The east side

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Tyler's POV

Rosa took me to the "East side". We got there and it was a huge hallway with door after door.

I opened the first door to find a library, the second was an art studio, the third was a music room, the forth was like an office just more home like. It had a couch, a desk, bookshelf, computer.

I assume it's Shawn's home office. I walked into another room and it was filled with pictures beautiful pictures.

Some of Shawn but others were pictures of crowds and architecture. One photo was of the Eiffel Tower. Another of the leaning tower of Pisa. And then there was a photo of Shawn he was younger and standing with a girl.

They were both smiling and they looked truly happy.

Then another with an older woman he was kissing her cheek.

Then the last one a picture of Shawn and a man he looked like he was to young to be his father but it could be possible.

Could this be his family?

I kept looking and found a photo of Shawn at what looked like prom. He was with a girl she was very pretty.

I wonder what happened to all these people and who they are?

I continued to look until I bored myself with my own questions. I walked out of the room making sure everything was in its place.

I walked to the cinema and Rosa was already there.

"Would you like to watch a movie miss?"

"Yes thank you."

"What movie miss?"

"Bride wars. Please."

"Yes miss." Rosa responded as she put the movie on.

"Would you like anything while you watch?"

"No thank you you may rest."


"Well yah at least till Shawn arrives ill do fine till then. Bye have a good rest."

"Thank you miss."

"No problem. Now go." I shoed Rosa way and she went to rest.

Once the movie ended I decided to put another on because I had nothing else to do.

I decided to play The Fault In Our Stars.

I continued to watch till I fell asleep right when they got on the plane to meet Peter Vanhotan.

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