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Shawn's POV

Tyler is 4 days past her due date and she's still waiting for little Theo to come.

"Shawn I'm so fucking tired of being pregnant!" Tyler yelled from the kitchen as I sat in the living room right next to the kitchen.

"I know hun but it will only be a little longer I promise. All the pain of stretching and the peeing ever 5 minutes will be gone."

"How can you be so sure? I've read stories of mothers who pee themselves every time they sneeze to hard."

I giggled at her comment as she grabbed a large tub of ice cream.

"I just want it to be over, the constant mood swings, the peeing every 5 minutes, the pain of the baby stretching, all of it. I started contracting 2 days ago and the Theo still hasn't came."

I watched her as she walked over to the couch and sat next to me cuddling into my side.


"Yes babygirl?"

"I love you."

"I love you too."

3:28 AM

Tyler and I were sleeping peacefully until she started screaming. "Tyler, babygirl wake up!"

"What the fuck do you mean I am awake!"

"Oh my god your water broke! We have to get you to the hospital."

I picked her up off of the couch grabbing the birth bag next to the front door and running to the car and lying her in the passengers seat as I climbed into the car and sped to hospital.

I walked up to the lady and said "my fiancé is 4 days past her due date and her water broke! She's also contracting."

"What's her name?"

"Tyler Mendes."

"Yes, baby boy correct?"


"HURRY THE FUCK UP!" Tyler yelled from my arms.

It was pouring rain outside so she was shivering in her jacket. I put my jacket over her to keep her warm.

"Here's a wheel chair these nurses will take you guys to the room."

I sat her in the wheel chair and the nurses escorted us to the room as Tyler squeezed my hand harder that she ever has even harder than her first time.

We arrived at the room and they changed her into a gown giving her an epidural.

2 hours later

"Shawn I'm ready to push!" Tyler said as she looked at me.

I called the doctor and they all came on putting there gloves on and there caps. The doctor checked her dilation and she was at 10 and he could feel Theo's head.

"Okay I want you to push for me when I count to three."





Tyler yelled and pushed holding her breath as she held my hand and let me tell you, she has a strong grip.

"Push again!"

She gripped my hand harder and pushed.

"Your almost there one more strong push." The doctor told her.

She took a deep breath and pushed.

Theo was born at 5:37 AM December 01 2022.

Tyler cried as she got to hold her little bundle of joy. She cried and kissed him over and over. "I love you little Theo Owen Mendes."

I cut the umbilical cord and they weighed him. He was 7 pounds and 3 ounces.

"He's perfect." I told Tyler as I held little Theo in my hands.

I looked at the family we had created and all I could do was smile.

"This is my family." I whispered as I lied on the bed with Tyler and little Theo between us.

"This is our family."

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