Third month

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Shawn's POV

So next month we get to find out the sex! I'm so excited! I hope we have a boy but having a girl would be nice. But then again a boy will be very all over the place and a girl will be moody.

I guess I don't know what I want. I thought I did but I guess not.

As the month went on I worried about the future. Specifically if Tyler and I would be happy together and if our child would be happy with me as a father.

I'm planning on taking a lot of time off from work and probably working from home, I mean it's the best option for me to keep working and also be there for Tyler.

She's been stressing a lot about what's going to happen and she's been asking "what ifs?" About her pregnancy a lot.

But tonight I couldn't stop thinking.

"Tyler are you awake, love?" I asked since I couldn't sleep. I was thinking to much of the future.

"Now I am. What is it handsome?"

"I can't stop thinking about the future." I said as she slowly opened her eyes smiling.

"Everything will be fine. As long as you're with me my future will be fine."

"And as long as you're with me my future will be grand."

Tyler giggled and I hugged her lying my head on her chest, as she started to play with my hair.

"Tyler I love you more than words could ever explain, and I want you to know, I would never leave you no matter what."

"I love you too. And I don't care what happened in the past I want a future with you and anything in the future good nor bad I want it with you."

I kissed her soft lips and lied back on her chest slowly falling asleep listening to her steady heart beat that soothed me and told me everything was going to be fine.

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