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Tyler's POV

I woke up and to the sound of my alarm going off. I had an alarm on my side table that I would set for 5:00 AM everyday so I could have some time before Shawn woke up to myself.

This time was really for me to think and for me to be me. I usually spent it in the art room painting and that's what I'm going to do today.

I walked upstairs to the room and I grabbed a blank canvas.

I got my brushes and paints together and started painting.

At first I was going for a happy painting but then it just went dark without me noticing.

There was a hand reaching out to a girl then there was a path. The path was dark and windy and scary but the hand was light and hopeful.

She was kneeling in the middle. Half of her body dark the other full of light.

I signed it and left it to dry.

I then got another canvas and I had already been up here for what feels like 10 minutes but really it's been an hour.

I heard someone walking up the stairs and I knew it was him because his steps were so delicate in the morning.

I turned toward the door and waited for him to enter.

"Yes Shawn?"

"I just came to see if you were in here."

"You found me. Is breakfast ready?"

"Uh, y-yah it is." He said as he looked at my painting then back at me.

I walked past him and down stairs smelling all the delicious foods.

"Thank you." I said as I hugged Rosa. She smiled as she hugged me back. I sat down at my seat Indian style crossing my legs and then starting to eat.

Shawn came down a minute after and sat at the other side of the table.

"So what are your plans for today?"

I looked up at the bea- I mean Shawn "I don't know I mean I am home alone all day I might do a self pleasuring activity." I said as I bit my lip getting up to put my plate in the sink.

Let me remind you all I had on right now was my pajamas which included silky short shorts and a silky short tank top.

I looked back at Shawn and said "you might want to take care of your um "friend" before you leave. Laters baby."

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