Seventh month

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Shawn's POV

Where to months away from birth and Tyler's really stressed. She's been putting the bedroom together by decorating then re-decorating.

"Shawn can you hand me Leo?"


"Thank you." She said as she sat Leo in the rocking chair, then looking at the room and saying "I can't look at this room any longer or I will change it again. Let's go come on."

I walked out of the room Tyler right behind me.

"So Shawn, I was thinking, that maybe Theo should sleep in our room for the first month or so maybe less depending on his sleeping schedule. What do you think?"

"What ever you want is perfect to me."

She smiled and said "In our room it is."

I just smiled at the beautiful piece of art in front of me as she smiled and laughed and talked about the future.


"Yes love?"

"Will you be here for me afterward."

"After what?"

"After Theo's born? Or will you only stay because of Theo? Because if that's the case then I could just leave now and get a job."

"No Tyler I want this with you, I want to raise Theo with you and only you. I will stay with you through every step of the way. Ok I'll be there when he says his first words and when he takes his first steps, I'll be there on his first day of pre-school or his first day of kindergarten. I'll be there. I'll be there for high school graduation. I will be there. You don't have to worry if I'll make it or if I'm coming, I will always be there to support you and Theo. No matter what, you are first."

She stood there speechless and still.

"Thank you." Tyler said as tears started to fall. I embraced her in a warm hug and kissed her head.

"I'll always be here even when it gets dark and hard I'll be here. Forever and always."

"Forever and always?"

"Forever and always."

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