Prologue/ Chapter one- My name is Camille

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My name is Camille. I'm eighteen and I'm already in love or something along the lines of that. The name of the boy you ask? Nate. Cute, huh? I've know him since I was three. Our families are friends so I see him a lot. He's like my best friend in a way. He has a sister who is seventeen and she's like my mom (as a joke hehe)

I've known i have loved him or liked him since I was twelve. Long time I know.

He's just so good to me. Occasionally he teases me but he's so sweet and kind and funny. I just don't know if he likes me back. Everything was fine, I mean I can handle not knowing if he liked me or not but of course I can't handle seeing him with his girlfriend, Samantha. She has it out for me for some reason. She your regular ho. She wears tiny skirts and tight shirts and a lot of makeup. ALOT. But I avoid her every chance I get which is really hard seeing I spend most of my time at his and Niki's house and of course she's there. And it hurts me seeing them together I really don't see what he sees in her.

But enough if me rambling lets begin....

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I really didn't have time to writeore too busy with homework. SREW U TEACHERS!!!!! Anyway hope y continue reading 😃


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