Chapter twenty eight

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Chapter twenty Eight


Cami's p.o.v

It's been about a week days since Zayn and the guys left. I miss them soo much.

But I miss Zayn the most, Shh don't tell Niall.

I talk to Niall everyday. He even called me once at four in the morning.

I talk to all the guys except Zayn.

Liam told me that he's really sad. I'm sad too. I miss hearing his soft laugh, seeing his smile, even the fact that he takes longer than me in the bathroom. He sends me emails, texts, and calls me everyday.But I just can't find the strength to answer.

So it turns out Simon loved my song and my singing. He wants me to fly over to England in about a week. I'm really excited!

I also got all A's on my finals. Whoo!!

Right now I was in my house. My parents are working so I was alone, in the living room, eating Cheetos and watching reruns of Friends when I heard a loud knock.

I looked through the little hole and I almost had a heart attack at what I saw.

It was Destiny.


My brother.


I waited for a few more seconds.

"Knock, knock."

"Knock, knock."

Cami just open the damn door!

"Click." The door slowly opened.

"Hi." I said shyly. "Hey." Chris said.

"Hi." Destiny than added.

"Sooo." I said.

"We need to talk its urgent." Chris said seriously.

"Okay come in." I said as I stepped away and let them come in.

I guided them to the living room. "Make yourself at home." I said motioning to the love seat.

"This is my home." Chris joked lightly.

I flashed him a small smile.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked them as I sat in the big recliner chair.

"Um well Destiny needs to talk to you." he said to look at Destiny.

I turned to look at her. She was slumped in her seat, fidgeting with her keys.

"Yeah." she replied.

"Want to talk in my room?" I asked standing up. "Yeah." she replied standing up too.

"I'll wait down here." Chris said staking the Cheetos off my my seat

"Don't eat it all." I warned.

"I wohnt." he mumbbled while stuffing his face with the Cheetos.


"So umm." Destiny said as she paced back in forth in my room.

"I guess I should start from the beginning."

"That's mostly were they start." I joked.

She smiled at me before she continued, "Well I was about ten when my mom got remarried. At first the man was really nice. He gave my sister, Sophia and I a lot of presents, took us out to eat ice cream alot then a year into the marriage he changed. He started screaming at my sister, me and my mom. One day he just flipped out on me and started hitting me. Then this year in school we were supposed to do reports on our parents. I couldn't find anything on him so I asked my older cousin who's a private investigator. I found out his real name was Robert Carson."

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