Chapter two- Hey Honeybee

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I wake up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. I drag my body out off bed and to the shower. Showering is always a part of my daily before school routine. When I'm done I walk over to my closet and pick out skinny jeans, with a light blue blouse and my all black vans. I don't like dressing like a slut like most of the girls in our school. I grab a notebook, my math binder, and two lead pencils and stuff It in my navy blue jansport. Btw I like blue. Alot.

Normally after breakfast I would wait for Niki to take me to school but she sick so Nate is goin to take me to school today. I grab my bag and my white jacket and head down the stairs to my kitchen. My kitchen has grey granite counters, light wood cabinets,and an island up front with six chairs. I find my mom, Julia waiting by the coffee pot and my stepdad, Nicholas is sitting on a chair on the island reading the newspaper. I was born in Colombia. I go there every two years. Most of my family leave there and by most I mean all of them except for my mom, my stepdad, and me.

"Hello sweetie" says my mom as she kisses me on the cheek. "Hey , Mami. Hey Nicholas" I say as I turn to say hello to my stepdad. I open on of the cabinets and pull out my favorite green and blue bowl. I turn on one heel to face the fridge and take out milk and Frosted Flakes. When I'm done I open my mouth and indulge the sweetness of my favorite cereal.

Halfway throught my cereal I hear the front door open. " Hello?" I hear a smooth voice call. "Nate we're in here!" my mom exclaims. Five seconds later he is standing at the entrance if the kitchen wearing loose jeans and a white tee marking his abs and exposing his toned arms. "Hello Julia." he says to my mom as he kisses her on the cheek. "Hello honey" my mom respondes sweetly. My mom likes Nate. She thinks he is a polite, respectful boy. Which he is but sometimes he can be a total player and a badass. "Hey Nicholas" Nate says as he shakes his hand my stepdad stays quiet. My stepdad doesn't hate Nate but he doesn't love him either. He thinks it's wrong that I spend too much time at his house even if his parents and Niki are there too. Plus he says he hardly knows him so why should he like him soo much. I think that if my dad took time to actually find out who Nate really is he would easily like him. " Hello honeybee" Nate says to me as he pulls me un for a hug. "Hey Nate"

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