Chapter seven- contest winner!

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Chapter 7

I woke up. Just like that, nothing special. I woke and he wasn't there. I turned to my side expecting to see him but I didn't. I rolled into his side and pressed my head into the pillow. It smells like him. I felt tears making their way down my cheeks and I didn't try to stop them. Why should I anyway , no one is around to see me. " Cami" I heard from behind me. I turn to find him with a towel wrapped on his mid section and water droplets streaming down all around his body. I focused on one in particular it was making his way around his abs. "Are you okay ?" he asked with a confused expression on his face.

"Yeah..... Um.. No actually. I want to talk about last night". He gulped as he nodded his head. "I want to forget about it. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to do anything that puts our friendship at risk." "You will never lose me even if you tried. Also if you do want to forget about it then we will. " he looked down for a second . "Last night never happened" he said in a sad whisper. "Come on let's go do something today" I said as I grabbed his hand. I just wanted things to go back to the way it used to be. Even if it pained me.

After we changed we decided to spend the entire day together to catch up. We were on our way to the movies.

"Thor is the best superhero" said Nate . "Um.. No. Iron man is the best. I mean is Thor's suit made out of medal. No. Plus he doesn't even have a suit." I retorted. "Oh yeah does Iron man have an awesome hammer?"

" Does Thor have a cocky funny personality."

" Okay, okay!" he said putting his hands up in defeat " Iron man is the best superhero." "Yeah he is" I said contently.

We paid for our tickets and we made our way to the snack bar. "I'll take one medium popcorn, two cokes, and m and m's" said Nate to the cashier. I smiled he always knew what I wanted, he knew what I ate better than my parents did.

My phone beeped. I looked at the screen and nearly fell backwards but Nate caught me just in time. " What's wrong?" he said with a concerned look on his face. " I just got two tickets to the one direction concert backstage included plus a tour!" I squealed. "that's great you love them" said Nate. "Yeah but I don't know who to take. Hm... maybe Luz" I said teasing him. " Yeah I would have picked her too" he said chuckling. "Or maybe I'll take pity on you and take you instead." I said turning to face him. " I would be honored to be your guest" he said bowing. As he bowed some of the popcorn spilled.

I just laughed " Come on or we'll be late for the movie." I said as I grabbed his empty hand and guide him to the movie. When we sat down I pulled up the arm stand and laid on him. The movie was good, I really didn't watch it. I was too distracted by his finger running up and down on my arm. I felt so smooth against my skin, it felt so right.

"Did you enjoy the movie?" asked Nate . " Yeah. Did you?" " Uh, huh" he simply responded.

The entire ride home we just sang along with the songs. While singing along to rumor has it Nate said to me " You have a really good voice"

" Yeah right!" I said laughing. " I'm serious. You sing really good. You should participate in one of those singing shows." " I don't really sing anymore" I responded. "Why not?"

"Long story" "I have time" " I'll tell you when I'm ready to. I just don't really feel like talking about it" I said softly. "Okay, then let's talk about the concert. How did you get the tickets?" " I entered this contest and won." "Cool. When are we going?"

"Who said I was taking you?" I said jokingly. "Oh right I forgot you were taking Luz." " Well Luz and I are going on June 9th." He just smiled at me as he parked in my house. He turned to face me. Wow! He has the sexiest eyes. Most people like blue or green eyes but his brown eyes can't compare. " I'm looking forward to the concert" he said sincerely. " Me too."

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