Chapter twenty six

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Chapter twenty six


Cami's p.o.v

Freaking out? Yes!

His lips felt warm on mine. But it wasn't like when I kissed Zayn. With Zayn as cheesy as this sounds I felt fireworks.

They were only on my lips for about five seconds before they pulled away. "Niall..." "Cami knowing you your probably freaking out." I nodded.

"I just wanted to see how that felt. Your my best friend. I wanted to see if that while best friends falling in love was right. I guess it wasn't." "Nope it wasn't. You know your scared me? I thought you liked me."

"I do. As a friend." "Good." I said as I let out a sigh. "Would it have been that bad if I liked you?" he asked as he looked down. "Niall." I said as I took his hands. His lifted his gaze to look at me. "Your my best friend. Basically my bro. And I love Zayn, your best mate. Even though he cheated on me it doesn't really change the fact I love him. So it would have been real awkward." I then added.

"True. But anyways don't think anything about it. Act as if it didn't happen, Aye." "Yeah I will. So what's up."

"I'm nothing just wanted to talk to you." "About Zayn?" "Aye. The poor lad is devastated. I believe him. I think Destiny came onto him." "Niall I feel bad too. I just need time. Once I'm ready I'll talk with him." "You better talk to him soon. Remember in three days we're leaving back to England." "Aye." I responded as I imitated his accent. He laughed.

At that moment the nurse walked in. "I'm sorry but visiting hours are over. The doctor also wants to talk to you guys about her release." the nurse said to Niall.

Niall nodded and turned back to me. "Bye Cami. I love you." he said as he kissed my forehead. "I love you too, Nialler."

He then walked towards the door and left.

Damn! That boy scared me! Whoo! Glad that's over.

"Your boyfriend seemed nice." the nurse said as she cleared the tray of food off my little counter. "He's not my boyfriend he's my best friend." I told her. "Do you have a boyfriend."

"I had." I replied coldly.


Niall's p.o.v

I think I scared her by kissing her. I just wanted to see if it was true. I'm glad it wasn't or else things would have been awkward.

I walked back to the lads. I was about to sit down when I heard a deep voice behind me. "Are you Niall?" the voice asked. I turned to face the mysterious voice. "Aye." I replied. "Do you know Camille Carson?"

"Aye. Who are you?" "I'm Christian Carson. Her brother."

What??!! Her brother?!

"Um...I didn't know she had one."

"I left when I was younger."


"Do you know about our father?"

"Aye." I replied. Cami once told me that her father used to abuse her. And that he killed someone but, she never told me who.

"Can I talk to her?"

"Visiting hours are over. You can talk to her tomorrow"

"Okay." was all he said as he turned around.

He had broad shoulders and was around 6". He had Cami's eyes colour but, his hair colour was a bit lighter than hers.

"Chris?" asked a voice behind me.

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