Chapter thirty two

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Chapter thirty two.


Cami's p.o.v

I opened my eyes and studied my surroundings.

Where was I?

The room was all white.

I looked down at myself.

My legs felt itchy against the thin sheets.

There was a small beep.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I was in an all white gown.

Then realisation dawned on me. I was in a hospital room? Why?

Then everything was replayed in my mind.

Zayn, shot.

Me, fainting.

I then felt tears building up. I didn't hold them in, I just let them run down my cheeks.

I needed to see him. I wanted and needed to know if he was okay.

I used the sheets to clean my the tears.

I reached over and pressed the button that calls the nurse.

"Is everything alright Miss Carson?" asked a petite blonde nurse with a thick British ascent.

"Do you know anything about the young man that came here with me?"

"You mean Mister Malik?" she asked as she put on a wide grin.

It was obvious she was a fan.


"He was just put under surgery." she replied as she flashed me a pitiful frown.

Ugh! Pity. The last thing I needed.

"Why? Didn't they put him down earlier?" I asked.

"Well you guys just got here."

"Ohh." was all that I could reply.

"I'll call Docter Williams." she said as she spun on one heel and walked out of the room.

I hope Zayn was alright. I wanted to be right next to him and hold his hand while he was in the surgery but I knew that couldn't happen.

Unconsciously I knew I was trying to be strong. I didn't want to. I wanted to cry. But I didn't have any more tears left in me. But I know that I won't be able to keep up with this act any longer.

The door then opened. I looked up to see an older looking man standing in a white coat. He had black hair but most of it was turning white already. He had bright green eyes that even the years couldn't take away their sparkle.

"Hello Camille I'm Doctor William." he said as he held out his hand.

"Hi I'm Camille as you already know." I answered as I shook his hand.

"Alright so let's get down to business, shall we."

I nodded.

"You had a bit of bruises on your back and your arms. There was a cut on your left leg but it wasn't that deep. You passed out on your way here because of lack of oxygen and water. Overall your fine but I do suggest a bit of bed rest. Also we need to take out your cast." he said as he pointed to the cast on my hand.

"How about Zayn?" I asked worriedly.

"The bullet went in deep and burst his kidney. Statistically he should be able to live with only one kidney but since he just recently quit smoking the still okay kidney isn't going to function for much longer. We could get a kidney transplant but he would be put at the bottom of the waiting list. " he answered with a sad smile.

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