Chapter six- dancing, drinking, punches and hot kisses

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Chapter 6

I saw the car make a turn to reveal a huge mansion. Lights were coming from inside. I was correct. The party was already crazy. People were already puking on the front lawn. I saw people dancing inside. The music was really loud and I was surprised not to see cops trying to stop the party. I was too busy looking at the party that I didn't notice that Jake had opened the door for me. When I stepped out I heard wolf whistles going to my direction. I just ignored them and followed Jake as he took my hand in his and he guided me inside the mansion. When we got inside I saw people grinding and drinking. We headed towards the kitchen were I found Luz. "Hey girll!" exclaimed Luz as she pulled me in her arms. I could immediately smell the alcohol on her. But I wasn't surprised. "Hey! Enjoying yourself" I asked as I saw Jake get a drink. "You know it!!! I think I may try for Max tonight" she responded as she but her lip as she eyed Max. I just laughed.

As I turned i found Jake handing me a beer. I took it and drank it. I liked beer but only sometimes. This wasn't one of those times. But I didn't want to turn it down, he was just trying to be nice. After my second sip of the beer I wanted to throw up. This beer tasted like shit!!

Suddenly I found a martini cup filled with dirty grey goose vodka with two olives in front of me. I immediately took it and sipped it. It was soo good

and it was my favorite. It left a acid burn in the back of my throat that I loved in a weird way."I know you too well" said a smooth, cool voice in my ear as he chuckled. I turned to face two dashing brown eyes staring down at me. Wow! He looked soo hot in his leather jacket along with a

light black shirt that pressed against his body showing his amazing six pack. He had loose fitting jeans with black and white niki's. Damn! I thought to myself as I let out a giggle. " I don't know about that" I said. "Oh come you know I know you the best from anyone here" he said as he walked towards me. "Maybe" I said with a shrug. " Don't deny what you know is true" he said getting closer to me. He was so close I could fell his hot breath in my face as he talked. I stayed silent as I lusted over him. I wanted him close to me forever. We stood there staring into each others eyes until we heard a forced cough. I turned to look at Jake.

I was so focused on Nate that I forgot about Jake. Nate had that affect on me. He made me forget about everyone and all my problems when I stared into his eyes. They were my favorite feature of him. When I started into his eyes I saw the real him, I could see what he was thinking. They drew you in like flame to a moth.

I quickly shakes my head clearing my thoughts from Nate I needed to forget about him and maybe being with Jake can help me forget about him. " Let's dance" I said grabbing Jake's hand and moving towards the dance floor. Jake put his hands on my hips and I rocked them to the beat of the song. I slowly got closer to him. I started grinding up against him as he moved his hands down to my thighs. We kept dancing like this until the end of the song.

The night kept on going fine until Jake had too many drinks. Every five minutes he had to go puke. I was sitting on a seat in front of the kitchen counter slowly slipping my drink until I felt two strong hands around me. I turned to find a green eyed guy around me. He looked older then me but he was still kinda cute.

"Hey" he said still his hands around me. " Hi" I shly said. " You know who you look like?" he asked. " Um " I said slightly curious. " Like my next girlfriend" he said with a cocky smile. All i could do was laugh at his failed attempt of a pickup line. Suddenly I felt him lean towards me. He was so close to me I could actually smell the alcohol coming from his mouth. He was leaning to kiss me!! I tried to squirm away but he had a tight grip on me. Suddenly I felt his lips push forcefully against mine. He was putting so much force on my lips it hurt. I kept moving my head in all directions trying to stop him from kissing me but he was just too strong for me. I let a small squeal as he was trying to push his tongue in my mouth. I kept my lips shut tightly when suddenly I didn't feel his lips anymore. Instead I saw an angry Nate pushing the guy up against the wall. You could obviously tell that Nate could beat up the guy easily even if he was older than him. "What is your fucking problem!! Don't you see she doesn't want you fucking kissing her!!" yelled Nate in his face as he slammed him again on the wall. I heard the guy grunt as the wall made contact with him. I was scared for the guy beacause even thought Nate doesn't get into fights you could tell he would really do damage to any guy who fought him. " Sorry dude. I was just flirting with her" the guy responded. "Oh sorry I didn't know trying to stick your tounge down some girl you don't even know throat was now classified as flirting" Nate said sarcastically."Dude we were just having fun" " Did it look like she was having fun when she was obliviously trying to get the fuck away from you!" exclaimed Nate. "From my angle it looked like she was having fun plus, why do you care so much?" " Cause you don't fucking come up to some girl lamely flirting with her then kissing her when she doesn't want to kiss you. Plus she my best friend and I love her too much to fucking see some mother fucker kissing her when she doesn't want to be kissed!!" said Nate pissed off.

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