Chapter three- Meet the Friends

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  • Dedicated to Valentina Artunduaga

"Hey Nate" I said as I stepped into his open arms. I loved feeling the warmth if his buff arms around me. He smelled like cinnamon and honey. What a weird combination you must think but in him it smells like heaven. I pulled out of the hug and continued eating my cereal. Nate turned to face my mom and asked her " So do I drop Cami after school here?" " Nicholas and I have to work late tonight so I thought if its not a problem if Camillle stays over tonight." mom answered her eyes looking hopefully for him to yes. My stepdad in the other hand you could tell he hated the fact that I might be staying over Nate's house. " Sure. Perfect more time to spend with my honey bee!" he said with a wide grin. I just rolled my eyes at his comment. I was used to him flirting with me and i kinda liked it even if I knew it was just teasing.

When I finished my cereal I put it in the sink filling it with water."Ready to go?" aske Nate. " Yea." I said as I grabbed my book pack and jacket. I turned to say bye to my mom and Nicholas.

Nate and I walked out of my house and down the drive way to his black jeep wrangler. " Guess you'll be staying over my house tonight" he said. "Yea.. Oh shit!! I need clothes." I said as I remembered I didn't bring any clothes. "I'll bring you to your house early in the morning" "how bout pj's" " You can sleep naked it's okay with me" he said in a husky voice as he wiggled his eyebrows. I just laughed and asked " What about your girlfriend?" "She'll never know" he said whispering in my ear as he put his hand around me. All I managed was laugh. He was really full of it.

He opened the door to the car for me and I stepped in. As he turned in his car, making it roar to life I said " Maybe I'll take you up in your offer.". He just laughed.

As we headed out onto the road to my school he turned on the radio and " drive by" played. " I love this song!" I squealed as I sang along to it. Around NateI didn't have to pretend to be someone I'm not just to be thought if as cool.

And to my surprise he sang along too. We sang to about three other songs until we pulled up to my school. Sunset beach high school. I stepped out and I saw Ron, Jake, and Ty walk over to us. They were Nate's best friend and the biggest players in the entire school.

"Hey dude" said Jake. " Hey whats up?" he responded. " Nothing much."

"Hey" said Ron and Ty at the time. Ron and Ty are twins. They both have blonde hair that's wavy and blue eyes as blue as a clear sunny sky. Jake has brown hair thats smooth and slick. He has brown milky eyes that shine in the sunlight. " Hello beautiful" said Jake as he stepped in front of me. " Hey" I simply said. No matter how cute they may be they are still jerks and players. " Dude what I tell you" said Nate angrily. " Sorry dude she's just soo hot" he said as he winked at me.

What did Nate tell them and why would it make him soo angry? Boys.. A mystery. " I'll see you later" I told Nate as I walked away. He just nodded too angry to say anything.

I walked into the school passing the crowds of people trying to get to their lockers. In front of my locker I found my best friends. Luz has short blonde wavy hair with blue eyes. She is probably the most talkative person I've ever met. Louis has dirt brown hair with green eyes. He used to play on the football team with Nate but then he found a new passion.. painting. Louis painted the school mutual if an ocean with a beautiful sunset. The there's Lydia. Of all of my friends she the one I trust the most in. She's also the only one besides Nate who know about my dad and Christian.

"Hey!" said Luz in a cheerful voice.

" Hey" I responded as I gave her a hug. " Hey you forgot about me?!" said Louis teasingly. " How could I ever forget about my worst nightmare" I said as u ruffled his hair. He shot me a look that only lasted about one second before we started laughing. Then I turned to Lydia who was finishing putting her long brown hair into a ponytail. " Hola mi corazon" she said as she gave me a big hug. " Hey my love" I responded. When we pulled away I turned to face my silver locker and opened it. When I was grabbing my math book I saw Luz's hot pink nails by the side of my locker. "So is it true!?" she asked with a big grin. " What's true?" I asked completely oblivious. "That Nate gave you a ride to school today!!" "Oh yea. Soo... What's the big deal about that?" I asked. " How did it fill being in the same car what such a hot piece of ass." They all knew I had a crush in Nate. Sometimes I regretted telling them because they would make such a big deal out of nothing. For instance like now. " It's not like I haven't ridden in a car with him before" I said shrugging. "Yea but not just not you two.. Alone" she said empantizing on the word alone. "Good I guess. I'm also riding with him after school and sleeping over his and Niki's house." Luz and Lydia let out a huge gasp. Louis and Lydia have been listening to our converstation. Noseys!! "Ohh girl" said Louis imitating a girl as he snapped his fingers in z- formation. I just laughed. I have the craziest friends ever. " Any ways I'm goin to head to class the bell is about to ring. Bye!" I said as i rushed to get away from them. You have to love your annoying friends.

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