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A/N Hey everyone, thank you for the reviews and comments and stuff for the last chapter.... sorry it seemed a bit off, i wrote it all on my phone.. anyway, thanks! Now, as usual, i know people don't usually read this, so, i won't make it long, so enjoy! :D oh, and unless i say differently, the POV's will be Louis... :D


After Liam and the boys had pulled me in, I started crying. I hadn't let it sink in much, but Harry had hurt me badly. He said that he didn't want to see me, and I was scared I would be a single parent, and what if he found out? He could try hurting my child. Before, I would have thought that he couldn't do that to a child, but now a days... he was different. he was more aggressive, and hell, he even yelled at Niall. No one yells at him and can't feel guilty about it. but he did. it scared me.

"Louis? What's wrong, hun?" Niall asked, as the group hug broke apart. "Huh?" I asked, rubbing the tears from my eyes. "oh, um, I'm just happy you guys will stick by me," I said, only partially telling the truth. "Lou, that's not the entire truth, c'mon, you can tell us," Liam said, pulling me against him. Zayn, Niall and Josh all nodded and I sighed.

"It-it just hurts that Harry won't know about his child. and what if he finds out? What if he tries taking him or her? I already lost my Hazza, I can't lose my baby. Or what if-" Liam pressed his hand over my mouth, saying, "Lou, nothing is going to happen. everything will be fine. and we will be here to protect you and your baby. No one is taking him or her. don't worry, love."

I nodded mostly convinced. I was still scared something was going to happen, but I tried pushing it out of my mind. If my boys said nothing was going to happen, them nothing was going to happen... right?


About an hour after all of us... minus Harry... relaxed and Josh put in a movie - I think it was Kickass 2 - I decided to go get something to eat. "Hey, I'll be right back, Jr. and I are a bit hungry," I said standing and walking to the door. "Okay, Lou, but be careful, I don't know if Styles left yet," Liam said, watching me with worried eyes.

"I'll be fine, don't worry, Li," I said, waving my hand, trying not to show my nervousness.

I walked out carefully and noticed Harry standing by the table, smirking slightly. So, trying not to show my fear of the younger boy, I walked to the kitchen quickly and started making a sandwich. "So, what did you tell the others that you didn't want me to know?" I heard behind me, making me start. I turned to see Harry's emerald eyes watching me coldly. I turned away, knowing I'd breakdown if I kept watching him.

"Something I know you'd hate me for, or hate me even m-more than you already do," I answered, my voice breaking on more. I was trembling slightly, my hands shaking as I finished making my sandwich and started cleaning my mess. "I have a reason for disliking you. I don't say hate, its too strong of a word. but I do dislike you," Harry said casually, not realizing the pain he was causing me.

why can't he realize that he...he is my other half, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to get me pregnant. why does he insist on hurting me? I asked myself, struggling not to cry.

"Something wrong, Tomlinson? Don't like the truth?" Harry asked cruelly, as if he wanted to see me break. he probably did. but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction... I hoped. "Well, are you done? I would love it if you left, so I could get my food, I'm tired of seeing you," Harry said and that was it.

I whirled around, my element manifesting physically around me. All i could see was red, small flames were running up and down my clothes, not burning me. "Why do you fucking insist on provoking me!? If you're getting tired of me, then just leave me the fuck alone! I have too much fucking shit to deal with to deal with your fucking insults! Fuck!" I yelled, fire spurting from my hands as I pointed at him.

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