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A/N heyy, how did ya'll like that ending? I need something to do to keep peoples attention.... maybe. idk... anyway, thank you for the reads, votes, and comments! :-) they mean a lot. special thanks to @ThirdInvisibleWheel, you are always reading and commenting! :-) love ya! anyway, read, vote, follow and comment!..... if ya want at least.


At that moment my phone rang. I looked at it and it said 'blocked number'. I frowned and Liam and Zayn walked in. Josh and Niall looked at me as I answered it. "Hello?" I said, confused. Who on earth had a blocked number that knew my number? "L-Louis?" a voice answered and I nearly dropped the phone. "Harry?

"Louis? Where are you, are you okay?" he asked urgently, and I started shaking. "W-why do you c-care? You even t-told me straight up you disliked me, and that I sh-should kill myself. Why do you care?" I asked, stuttering in the beginning but my voice getting stronger and louder as I talked. "Why," I whispered, sitting and trying not to cry.

Liam and Zayn walked over to me as Niall and Josh sat on both sides of me. Niall gripped my arm and Harry sighed and answered, "I... I didn't mean it, Lou, I don't know why I've been avoiding you, probably because I didn't want to accept the fact that I was either bi or gay. You're my best friend, and I was pushing you away because.... I don't know. I just, I just don't want to lose you. I miss you so much. Please come home? I promise not to be rude anymore, and I'm so sorry for everything. Please, Boo, I want you home," he whispered, his voice breaking at the end, and I finally started crying.

Liam took the phone and put it on speaker. "Harry, its Liam, what's going on?" he asked and I smiled slightly and said, "He apologized, and he wants me home." But then I remembered I couldn't go home.

Mum and my sisters were going to be here tomorrow, and I really wanted to visit with them for a short while. And Niall was staying here for a couple weeks to, so I couldn't go home. "H-Haz? I-I forgive you... mostly. but I can't come home yet. Mum and my sisters are c-coming here for me, and Niall's staying for a short bit. I c-can probably come home in about t-two weeks, maybe three," I said, hoping he won't get mad again and stop talking to me.

"Okay, Boo, but where are you? am I allowed to visit?" he asked, and I sighed. "Of course, I'll text you the address later today. H-Haz? A-are we o-okay?" I asked hesitantly, scared he would stop talking to me again. "Of course Boo, we're fine," he said, and I sighed in relief. Liam smiled at me and Niall squeezed my knee gently.

Josh opened his mouth but then closed it again. I looked at him curiously while the other three talked to Harry. He glanced at my stomach and raised his eyebrows. I frowned and shook my head. I could feel him call fire and I did the same. How are you going to tell him about the baby? he thought through our power and I thought back i don't know right now but I'll figure it out soon... I hope.

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