Chapter 1: Ray

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The air was chilled and brisk; the pavement wet from the rainfall Austin had received only an hour or so ago. Austin didn't usually get rain nor snow this time of year, but the weather was the least of Texas' problems. Everything was fucked up lately, but no one gave two shits to fix anything in this broken state. All the Texas airports were closed, not by law, but by choice. They were overrun and corrupted, and it was no surprise that no one wanted to come here anyhow. Who would? Hell, everyone's trying their very best to get out.

Even me. Especially me. No one asked for the city to somehow get taken over, it just did, and no one stopped it, no one cared, until everything started changing. Texans aren't good at change in any sense of the word.

The alleyways were dark and damp, considering there was one street lamp left that hadn't gotten shot or burnt out at the end of the street. Damp because of the rain. Duh. I yawn lightly. It had been a long day, it was late, and the only thing I wanted to do was go to bed. Even though I lived on the crap side of town I could care less that I was walking alone. If someone were to mug me, what would they take? My shoe laces? And If it was the King's men, I had no chance against them anyway, so I won't worry about them unless the problem arises. I yawn again, louder and longer this time as I enter another alley, a shortcut, to my house. Besides, I think to myself, the 'Superhero Squad' is around to save me right? I chuckle a bit to myself, which echoed shallowly in the air.

There were always rumors, and since I worked for the newspaper I got them quicker then others. The latest lie was that superheros, with actual powers, were out and on the prowl for the King so they can 'slay him and restore peace'. What a load. I put up the hood to my light gray jacket and turn the corner, only to land suddenly on my back. Taken by surprise, I still wasn't prepared when I was suddenly hoisted off the ground by the collar of my shirt.

"What the h-"

"Why don't you watch where the fuck your goin' next time?" A man who was a good seven inches taller then me with steroid induced muscles lifted me up and was now holding me as If I were a doll. A doll who had recently pissed him off, I guess.

"Hey man," I say after realizing what was happening. Of course it couldn't be a random guy. It couldn't be some mugger. It was a Knight to the Mad-fucking-King; one of the King's men. It was obvious, every knight was branded with the king's mark on their temple; a cow. This was a minor knight, major knights have a tattoo of the cow on their forearm as well as the brand. "Sorry, I was just walking home, I didn't mean to run into you."

"You're damn right you didn't mean to. I would arrest you If I wasn't so tired from beating the shit outta some guy earlier," That makes me feel better, I think sarcastically to myself. Without any warning, he flung me against the nearest building wall, knocking off my glasses, as well as knocking the breath right out of my lungs. "Consider yourself lucky," He eyed me carefully before walking slowly away and back down the street. I put my glasses on, stand up, and brush myself off. I look back at the guy and flipped him off before I began walking away.

"Prick," I mumble. I had not considered the volume of my voice compared to the silence of the streets. It came out loud.

"What the fuck did you say!?" Was the last thing I heard before, again, hitting the pavement with tremendous speed and force.


Hey everyone! Thanks so much for reading! I know things are slow right now but I swear they'll speed up in the next chapter, so stay with me! It will explain some more in the next chapter as well as get much more interesting! :)

**Chapter 2: Mogar and Vav, coming soon!**

Heroes & Roses (X-ray and Vav)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin