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It was dark, and damp, and farther underground then the Eiffel Tower is tall. Geoff Ramsey was the only person who'd ever been down here, and he'd only been here twice.

It was storage, a place to keep everything dangerous enough to destroy a city, or in this case, the world. His eyes were red and tired from fighting and crying, and he'd had enough. Maybe Ray was right, maybe they should all retire, and shut the whole thing down.

Slowly, Geoff turns the dial on a combination lock. The small door to the safe swung open to allow Geoff to place the flash drive inside. None of these safes were to ever be opened again. Geoff looked over the small silver flash drive in his hand. Griffon found it while snooping through the King's hideout. It contained so much power, and all it said was 'Minecraft' in messily written letters on the side; Ryan's handwriting.

Carefully, he placed it in the center of the safe (right next to the quarts blade that murdered Gavin) before sealing it and turning the dial. He let out a large sigh before turning around and walking out the steel number-combination door. His footsteps slowly faded as he went down the hall and to the elevator.

It was unknown that Geoff was being followed, or maybe he just didn't want to look back. It was one of his fears. As he got on the elevator two shadows appeared in front of the locked door. A gloved hand reached to punch in the four-digit code. The door swung open as if it were never shut, allowing the figures to be let inside. They bypass the other safes and go straight for the one on the far right.

Maybe they left everything else because they didn't know the code, or maybe nothing else was quite as important. But either way the flash drive was now in their possession. What use could they have for something so unique, besides chaos, death and destruction.

As soon as they came, they left. Closing the door and leaving just as they came with a smirk on their face. They stood in the brisk night air, breathing in deeply.

"Damn, we're good," One said. The other chuckled and nodded. The long, yellow-haired girl with a bounding confidence ran away into the night. Her companion, a man with medium length black hair and the nice smile ran after her. Then they were gone.

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