Chapter 13: The Mad King

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My head was pounding and I could hear my heart beat in my ears. I couldn't tell if I were bleeding or not but I felt weak. I also felt the familiar feeling of a pair of glasses on my nose. Where did my glasses come from? It was dark.

"Vav?" I mumble a bit incoherently. "Vav? M-Mogar?" I say quietly, trying to catch my breath, "Vav?!" I repeat, but this time louder. A sudden burst of light flooded the room, temporarily blinding me. Someone turned on the lights, revealing an unconscious Gavin and Michael sitting tied to chairs on the left and right if me. It was now I noticed that I was also tied to my own wooded chair in the middle if them. "What the fu-" I mumble, but was cut off by a deep voice that sounded something like Jack.

"-Wow, watch the language!"

"Ja- I mean- Bullet Beard?" I call out. Jack didn't choose that as his 'super' name. The guys called him that as a joke due to some videogame and it sort of stuck.

"What? Me? No, I think you know me. I'll give you a guess, I'm not Jack Patillo," I look around the room, confused, looking for the owner of the deep voice. how did he know who I was talking about? I was met looking at a man who was standing in a doorway across from me. His silhouette was all I saw before he stepped forward, reviling his appearance.

His appearance startled me, but I forced my surprise to not show on the outside. I was not shocked by the way he looked but more the way he presented himself. The man was wearing a plaid kilt and a white shirt, black tie, and black suit top, giving him the desired appearance of a Scottish man, but his voice proved otherwise. He had a diamond sword strapped to his back that resembled the one Michael had back at base, however this man's sword was more modest then Michael's; it had much less glimmer and shine, and looked worn down, like he used it for everything, however something told me he didn't need it. Diamond wasn't a rare material anymore; some scientist in Peru found away to craft diamond in controlled mines using pressurized gases or some crap, however just because it wasn't rare doesn't mean it was cheap, hell is even more expensive then it used to be years back. The most predominate part of his attire was the gold crown that sat neatly upon his head. It shined, indicating that it was regularly cleaned. The last thing I noticed were his black boots. They were the same ones I had seen before falling unconscious earlier on.

I chuckle once in a knowing manner.

"You're the Mad King," I say in an undertone that carried throughout the room. He laughed; his laugh cracked and sounded as though he was having fun. He smirked before talking again.

"Oh you're just getting that?" He said in an upbeat tone, "Hm, not the brightest are you? Tell me, what's your name?" He asks happily. I give him a look the gave off the impression that I thought he was stupid.

"Are you fucking kidding me, why would I tell you that?" I spit back. I hated this man, not due to thus encounter, but due to everything he's done in the past. He's killed people, murdered people in front of their families. I was fighting against a good cause; him. Only him. The Mad King didn't look pleased with my response, in fact he looked almost confused, irritated that I didn't say my name.

"Why aren't you telling me?" He mumbles as he slowly walks menacingly toward me.

"Why the hell would I tell you?" I send back. He walks till he's only a few feet away. One foot away. A few inches. Centimeters from my face.

"Why can't I access your mind?" He mumbled, looking strait in the eyes. His eyes were a dark blue and cold with anger, but something told me they weren't always like that. That his eyes used to be full of life and respect, however I push that thought aside.

"Maybe because your a dumbass," I offer as an answer. He smirked and backed away from my face, and instead planted a hard punch to my right cheek. I cough and spit on the ground, revealing that my mouth was now bleeding. I could feel my face begin to swell and pound painfully.

"I'm a telepath. I can read minds, manipulate them, make people do what I want. Make them feel pain. But for some reason, I can't with you. Your something different," He took a few steps away from me to examine my limp friends that sat in the chairs next to me.

"Don't touch them," I say in a harsh tone. All he did was smile a stupid smile that never went away.

"Hurt little Gavy or Micoo? No, not yet. I'm saving that," He said creepily. How did he know who they were? Well I guess he could read minds, but it made me wonder. Who was the Mad King behind his crown? Who was this psycho before the total destruction of his being? Why did he look at Gavin and Michael like they're long lost friends?

"What do you want?" I ask, getting to the point. The Mad King's face distorted into something that reminded me of The Joker from Batman. His eyes bored into mine, and said with a relaxed, confident tone:

"I want to make you an offer. One you can't refuse,"


Hey erry'one! Thanks for readin'! I thought I'd leave it on some-what of a cliffhanger just for you guys! Hope you enjoyed it! Update coming soon!

**Chapter 14: The King's Offer, Coming soon!!**

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