Chapter 32: The Final Duel

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"Bye, Ray! It was really a pleasure!" He sang. I quickly expected for a sharp blade to penetrate my gut, making my last moments as painful as possible. I close my eyes.

"Umf- Gah!" Thunk. I open my eyes lightly, wondering what the hell happened and why I wasn't bleeding heavily. To my surprise, and much to my pleasure (considering I wasn't dead), I see Geoff, going hand to hand with Herobrine.

Full name: Geoff Lazer (Formally 'Fink') Ramsey

Height: 5'10"

Codename: Grif

Abilities: Power Absorption, Power Disruption

Weapon of Choice: Dagger

Status: Alive, active

Damn it, I was just being a dumb idiot. Geoff's powers are literally power absorption. This enemy that we're fighting is made entirely of energy. Looks like Geoff is going to turn out to be the hero after all. I couldn't help but smiling, even though it hurt like hell. I wasn't the center of the fight, and I shouldn't have tried to be. Geoff would make a good boss one day, even though he already is.

"You- Don't- Fuck- With- My- Friends!" Geoff spit out between punches. This time it wasn't in my head when the whole room went silent. Everyone, Knights included, stopped to see the fight. Everyone watched intently as Geoff and Herobrine went hand to hand, fighting next to the still unconscious body of the Mad King. It wasn't long before the crowd was cheering for who they wanted to win. Gavin runs over to me, checking my entire body furiously for signs of injuries. I wanted to tell him I was fine, but until this point I hadn't realize I was still on the floor with blood soaking my arm.

"X-Ray! X-Ray? Can you hear me?" Gavin asked quickly, slapping my cheek a bit.

"Vav, stop, I'll live," I say quietly. Gavin let out a loud sigh and hugged me gently. I bring my good arm around his body to hug him back for a good second before he helped me to my feet. Geoff had beaten him to the ground, his hands bloody and his face bleeding. Herobrine, this all powerful being, was lying on the ground helplessly.

"Please- Geoff. You won't kill me," He says confidently. There was something in his back pocket, shining. It looked like a knife, but I couldn't shout loud enough to tell anyone. I look to Geoff who himself looked, well, pissed. His eyes were heated and he seemed to radiate hatred for the man on the ground. Geoff grabbed Herobrine by the collar and brought his face an inch away from his own.

"I've killed a man once, and I thought I'd never do it again. But you're a fucking disgrace," Geoff brought his hand up and grabbed Herobrine's neck. They both screamed loudly, filling the room with the sound. A light seemed to erupt from them both, blinding everyone who was watching the scene. The light was gone as soon as it came, the room seemed darker then before. I blink harshly to regain my sight. Geoff was kneeling on the ground next to Herobrine, who's eyes were dim. His body was flickering, like a flashlight who's batteries are almost dead. It also seemed that all the Knight's had collapsed, and were now laying unconscious on the ground. Griffon ran from the opposite end of the crowd and straight to her husband. She kneeled down next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He opened his eyes, shocking the on-viewers by the bright light that emit from them.

"Gi- Give me something. I need to get rid of this.... Thing...." Geoff struggled out. Griffon seemed a bit shocked, unwilling to move very fast. "Griffon! NOW!" Geoff yelled, although it didn't sound like him. Almost like a mixture of his voice and someone else's. Now Griffon popped into action, taking off the flash drive that I saw on her wrist earlier and placing it into Geoff's hand. Slowly, Geoff's eyes began to return to normal and his breathing slowed. He looked to Griffon and gave her a hug, dropping the flash drive on the ground. It looked like he was going to pop her from how hard he was holding her. Gavin helped me walk over to where Geoff was. Caleb came over next to examine Geoff and check for wounds.

Full name: Caleb Denecour

Height: 5'9"

Codename: SC

Abilities: Healing Factor, Wound Transfer, Quick Heal [others], Possibly more

Weapon of Choice: Potions

Status: Alive, active

I look down at the flickering body of the defeated villain before looking at Gavin with a faint smile and grab his hand tightly.

"I love you, Gav," I whisper lightly. He smiles widely and hugs me tightly. Lots of hugs going around.

"I love you too, my little X-Ray!" He chuckles and kisses me sloppily. I kiss him back, and although it hurt is was defiantly worth it. We release and we rests our forehead against each other. "We really are superheroes now, don't you thi-" Gavin stopped mid sentence and closed his eyes, letting out a sort of choking sound.

"Gav?" I say quietly. He opens his eyes to reveal that he was about to crying, heavily.

"Ray...." He said helplessly, releasing my hand to bring his hand to his stomach. He clutched my shirt with his other hand as he began to fall backwards. I help him down and lean backwards. To help lay him on my lap. His stomach was bleeding profoundly and he was crying thick tears. I feel the blade causing his pain still in his back. I pull it out and thrown it to the side. It was pearly white in color. I look around confused, but just in time to see Herobrine, staring at me with dead eyes before disappearing completely.

"I win..." echoes eerily around the room.

"Ray, Ray I'm going to die aren't I?" Gavin said thickly, trying so hard to stop his crying. It was now that everyone realized what was happening and rushed over immediately. I started to cry myself. I shake my head side to side lightly.

"No you're not. You're not. You can't. Caleb can help," My voice cracks as I talk and look over to Caleb with wet eyes. Caleb looked back with sad eyes and shook his head.

"I'm- I'm sorry. He's not even suppose to be able to bleed. I can't help, I'm sorry," he said quietly. I feel the air escape my lungs as I look back to Gavin and Shake my head.

"You're going to be fine," I squeak out. I place my hand over the one on Gavin's stomach. I could now hear other small cries behind me.

"It's okay Ray, it's okay," he says thickly. He sniffles and looks up at me, giving me a sad smile that only made me cry harder. He squeezes my hand slightly with the small amount of energy he had left. "Hey, Ray, look at me. Ray, look at me," He says quietly. With some effort, I look Gavin in the eyes. "X-Ray and Vav," he says almost in a whisper. I smile.

"Superheroes together...." I whisper back. He smiles, and slowly his eyes glaze over, fixed in a far away glance. "Gavin?" I say helplessly, "Gav? GAVIN!" I shake his body a little but before breaking down, sobbing uncontrollably. I hug his body close to mine, refusing to let go.

"I love you, Vav."

Full name: Gavin David Free

Height: 5' 9&3/4"

Codename: Vav

Abilities: Invulnerability, Self-Detonation, Self-Retaining mass, Quick Reflex

Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrow

Status: Inactive, Deceased


Heyo! How are you? Please don't hate me, but hell are you prepared? Because there is...One...Chapter...Left! (Not including the epilogue and thank you's). I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I love you all! Leave your thoughts and advise and as always, thanks for reading! Cheers!

*Chapter 33: Aftermath, Coming soon!!**

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