Chapter 19: The Journey

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Another month came and went. All my known powers were nearly perfected and it was time for another round with the King. This time Geoff would be coming with us to, quote-on-quote, 'make sure we don't fuck up'. Our next mission was one that was going to take skill and patience. We were going to bug the Mad King's 'palace'.

The King had constructed an incredibly tall and incredibly secured 'palace' made entirely of glass, gold, and a specialized 'red steel'. I had never seen it, due to the incredible security measures taken to protect the building. I had no idea on how we were going to get in the building, but Geoff had explained it to all of us.

The group going on this mission was bigger then the group taken the last time. This time or was me, Gavin, Michael, Geoff, and Kerry. Kerry was the most essential part of this mission; he had the power of illusion. Kerry's powers were, according to Geoff, extremely powerful, but could be unstable and fail if telepathic powers interfere with them, which is another reason Geoff has to go. If the King or anyone else tries to mess with Kerry's powers, then Geoff will absorb them and use it against them instead. Everyone else is there to take down any 'problems' we come across, which will most likely be a lot.

The plan was simple: Kerry alters the perception of the Knights and guards by making us appear as high ranking Knights. Kerry would stand in the middle of us so his powers only affects us, and Geoff would stand in front of him to catch any initial threats. Gavin to his left, Michael to his right, and me in the back to catch any surprise attacks.

We left tomorrow morning at 4:15AM, which was very annoying, but I guess it's when the least amount of Knights were there. I sit in my room and rub my hands together nervously whenever the familiar sound of my door opening let a wandering Gavin enter my room without my permission, as normal. He gave me a reassuring smile and plopped down on the bed next to me; I really needed to get some chairs in here.

"Nervous?" Gavin asked with his own lightly tense voice, although he still smiled. Always smiling. Give him a small smile back and gave a light nod.

"Its not like our last mission was an overall success," I say with a small laugh; Gavin chuckled.

"S'pose not," He answered. Gavin and I were as close as ever since the night we kissed, and only Lindsay and Jack knew about it. Luckily, they never told anyone due to a request from me. We hadn't formally talked about that night, but we both knew; it didn't need saying. I guess we would talk about it when we wanted to. As of right now, we were disscussing how the mission would go.

Gavin just informed me that I would be carrying the bag containing the supplies we would be using to bug the King's office. If we could get through this mission and get back out without notice, then we would be able to get vital information on the Mad King. Besides the apology Geoff had given me for yelling at me a month ago, he hadn't give me anymore information on the King, although Jack had given me what he knew, which wasn't once. The gray door in the hallway is the Kings, although hes never been there. It was a back up incase the King decided to step down and decided to stay sane, in which case he would be allowed to join them again. However we all knew that wouldn't be happening, and never would.

"We've all got our parts, and we've gone over the plan a million times, but I cant help feeling that were walking into a trap. Gavin, something is going to go wrong," I say in a calm, but serious voice. This mission as happening no matter what, but I still think we shouldn't be. It's the Mad King, not the Calm King or Happy King. It's probably thought of everything that could go wrong, planned his every move and ours. Gavin sighed in resignation.

"Me too, but we need to do this. Ry- the King has been in power too long. We can find out what he's doing then we wil get the upper hand and we'll be ahead of him for a change. Geoff believes it'll work," He said confidently, but he wavered. He had his own sceptisms, I knew it, but I also knew he believed fully in Geoff. I nod slightly and Gavin smirks a little and pushes me with his side. "Oh come on! It can't be any worse then our last mission, and we have more people this time,"

"Yeah, maybe," I say in a lighter tone. Gavin looks at me with his stupid little grin, and I smile back. I hadn't realized that we had been staring at each other for longer then appropriate. I clear my throat a bit and we look away, both our faces turn light red. "We have to get up early, we should probably get some sleep," I say regretfully; I doubted I would get any sleep tonight. We stood up in unison and I walked Gavin to the door.

"Night, Gavin," I say as he walks out the door. He turns and gives me a small smile before giving me a hesitant kiss on the cheek, causing my cheeks to turn beat red.

"I um- Night, Ray," I could see the embarassment on his face as he turned to walk into his own room. There was a stupid smile on my face as I closed the door, walked over and layed down tired on the bed. I really hoped that my instincts were wrong and that this mission would go as planned. One wrong move and we could all be dead. We had a long way to go before we would get anywhere in this war, but this was a start. Who knows, maybe this would all be over before anyone ends up getting killed. I turned out the light and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


Ello erry'one! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! As always, leave a comment or give some advise in the comments! Thanks for reading guys! Love ya all!!

**Chapter 20: The Palace, Coming soon!!**

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