Chapter 17: James Ryan Haywood

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I close my eyes an chuckle a bit while shaking my head. The Mad King didn't just take something from me, he betrayed the people I now called friends. Were they my friends? They lied to me. Even after my ordeal with Gavin, admitting to him my hatred for the Mad King, he lied to me. Maybe they were lying to me now, but I found no point in they lying about something so idiotic.

"Ray, you have to understand, he wasn't always like this!" Geoff tried to plead. However I didn't care that the Mad King wasn't always evil, I only saw him that way. I have only seen him as evil and manipulative, never anything else.

"Why? How were you friends?" I ask slowly. I'd love to hear how they became 'friends' with a killer.

"We were co-workers. Well, I was his boss I guess. We all met they way," Geoff explained calmly.

"I uh- for how long?" I ask, looking up and opening my eyes. I had a small, sarcastic smile on my lips to show that I wasn't mad, more like I'm trying to understand more then anything. "How long were you buddies? How long did it take before you realized he wasn't your friend at all?" I say in a smooth tone. My voice was unchanging, with no hints of anger or even sadness. Geoff sighed and settled into his chair a bit.

"Years, and he was always our friend. Not a day goes by when I ever doubt that. That I ever doubted he wasn't our friend," Geoff stated. He had an almost protective tone now, but he still spoke to me as if trying to make me understand. I didn't.

"Were you there, with him when he became a dictator?" I ask with the same unaffected voice. I could practically see Geoff's heart drop as he looked down at his hands. I suddenly felt guilty for pounding questions onto Geoff, I knew he felt bad enough as is, but I needed to know. Gavin continued to sit silently on the couch, trying to figure out if he should say something or not. "Geoff," I say in a softer tone, "I need to know what happened," I state simply. Geoff nodded slowly and took a deep breath before looking at me once again.

"We never called him James, he hated it. He called himself Ryan and for a long time I thought that was his actual name," Geoff chucked for a short second, "Anyways, Ryan was a good guy all around. He could be creepy but we would never suspect him for a psychopathic killer, but that was before his wife died," his voice changes back to the serious tone it held before, "she was sick, and we couldn't help her. His kids came to us for help, they said that before their mom died, Ryan had done bad things to try and save her. There was no cure for the cancer she had, so he searched for other ways," Geoff's voice cracked slightly. I knew it must be hard for him to talk about this, but all of this information could be useful, and I needed to know.

"We didn't usually talk to him outside of work and stuff, so we didn't know what he was doing until it was too late. He was gaining power, and not the ones he already had. Political power in a non-public fashion; he was climbing his way up silently only to find that eventually he'd tear it all down forcefully. Once his wife died, he thought he had nothing to lose. A year after he quit and took power of Texas, we sent his kids somewhere safer then here, went into hiding, and started all this. We knew- know he's still in there, but his mind is so far gone that I just- we can't- I-" Geoff unexpectedly stood up with anger in his movements. I could see tears brimming his half-closed eyes. "I don't have to fuckin' sit here and explain what the fuck is going on to you! Its obvious that he's a FUCKING murderer who needs to be stopped! What the fuck else do you want!?" Geoff stomped out of the room and towards his bedroom. I stand up to go after him, but Gavin stands up in unison to stop me.

"Don't go after him. Talking about Ryan gets to him.... Just give him time," Gavin says calmly. His stupid British voice rings clear in my mind and I nod lightly. I look at Gavin, not sure of what to say, so I don't say anything. I go around the couch and towards my own room.

"Ray, wait! Please!" Gavin calls out. I turn around to face him again. His eyes were pleading for me to forgive him, even though I hadn't said a word to him. His X-Box controller falls off the couch and onto the floor but it doesn't seem to phase him, but I found it odd. It fell but Gavin hadn't touched it. I look at Gavin again. He wanted to say more but couldn't quite get words. He cleared his throat.

"Ray, I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you- we just, well- I mean I wanted to! I just couldn't!" He was speaking quickly and was obviously nervous. His eyes were shining and I knew he might cry. I don't know why, but I wanted to give him a hug. Even though he lied to me, I still felt like I shouldn't be angry, even thought I was. I nod in silent understanding.

"I know," I say quietly before turning to go back to my room again. I needed to think about what Geoff told me tonight; to process it. It was a lot of information in a small period of time. However I didn't get far. I felt a warm hand tug at my wrist. With a surprising amount of strength Gavin had managed to turn me around to face him. "Gavin, I need-" however he cut me off in the most unexpected way possible.

Gavin pulled me toward him and pressed his lips against mine. I had no idea what to do; I had no idea Gavin had feelings for me! I was only just figuring out for myself that I had feelings for Gavin. His lips were soft. I swore I hear a door close in the background, but I didn't pay much attention to it. I didn't kiss him back but I didn't pull away either. The shock had taken hold of me, and it was pulling me back from kissing Gavin the way I wanted to. Much to my disappointment, he pulled away. His own eyes were wide as they looked into mine.

"I- I'm so sorry. You, I mean me- I just-" He was now stammering for words was was bright red in his cheeks. As was I. He looked utterly embarrassed. Instead of bolting to go to my room, I reach up and pull Gavin's head back to mine, kissing him deeper then before. I didn't know what I was doing; this was a horrible idea. Was it? I don't know, and right now I didn't care. Gavin didn't know what to do either, but he soon figured it out. Gavin wrapped his hands around me and pulled me closer; I run my hand cautiously through his wheat colored hair. We had stayed stuck like this together for a few good minutes before I pulled away from Gavin. Both our breathing was heavy. What am I suppose to do now? Instead of making it more awkward then it already was, I smile at Gavin and give him a short:

"Good-night," before turning, walking through the green door, and all the way down the hallway to my room. I sit down on my bed, thinking about what just happened. I plop backward and look at the ceiling. What am I suppose to do now? What am I going to do? I repeat in my mind over and over.

What about the Mad King? The Mad King was married with kids? Are his kids still alive? This was more personal for the Achievement Hunters then I thought. And what about Gavin? Do I love Gavin free? The man who saved me and introduced me to this new life? The answer?



Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated, don't hate me! I even put more X-Ray and Vav just for you guys :) Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it! This chapter was full of feels.... I hope. Like always, comment on what I could improve or just leave a note! :D

**Chapter 18, A New Day, Coming soon!**

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