Chapter 18: A New Day

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"Hey, I'm real sorry about last night," Geoff explained to me at the table during breakfast, "I didn't mean to yell, just talking about that stuff just-" I hold up a hand to stop him. I finish chewing my bacon before throwing him a small smile.

"It's fine man, you don't need to explain," I respond. I was sitting to the left of Geoff during breakfast. He wanted me to sit next to him so he could apologize, but it wasn't needed. Geoff was a good guy and rarely got angry, so if he did I knew it was best to drop it, even though I wanted to know more. Geoff smiled back at me and took a drink from the beer that sat in front of him. It may be breakfast but for him it was never to early to bev up. I glance at Gavin who was sitting next to Jack and Millie across the table. He looked at me, but every time he did he smiled and quickly looked away. I notice Lindsay glance at me and at Gavin every once and a while and I wonder what she's doing, although she appeared to just be chatting with Michael, although she appeared fidgety.

"One last question, if you don't mind?" I ask Geoff. He nod quickly to indicate that he was fine with whatever I threw at him. "What are, or were, his powers exactly?" I ask. I didn't need to pressure him to tell me some deep seated lie or uncovered secret, I just wanted to know the extent of the King's abilities.

"Well before all this, he had telepathy and could communicate with animals, which is why he is so obsessed with cows, he said they were 'protectors' or some shit. Although lately it seems like he can do a little bit of everything," Geoff responded, taking a large bite of his toast. I nod silently and take a bite of my eggs. After breakfast I begin heading to the Labs to practice whenever I feel something, or rather someone, push me against the wall.

"What the fu- Lindsay! What are you doing?!" I yell. I knew it was her because I was pinned to the wall but whoever it was was invisible, and only one person here had that ability. The red-haired girl regained her solid, visible form and was smiling brightly.

"Ray! I needed to talk to you!" She said quickly. Lindsay looked thrilled and much more excited then she did during breakfast.

"What? Why didn't you talk to me earlier instead of ambushing me in the hallway?!" I ask. She seemed to realize that she still had me pushed against the wall and quickly let go.

"Sorry," she mumbled. I shrug it off.

"What's up?" I ask. She regained her smile and pulled me into a hug before releasing me again.

"What was that for?" I ask, confused by her sudden affection. Lindsay and I were friends but it's not like we normally just chatted just to talk. This was probably the most we've ever made physical contact with one another.

"You didn't tell me you and Gavin were together, you dick!" She said jokingly, however that statement was no joke for me. Why would she say that? We aren't acting like a couple, and nothing would suggest we were dating. Hell I was only figuring out that I was fucking gay, or bisexual, or whatever the fuck it is I'm called. It's not like we did anything that would suggest that, unless she saw us last night. Was she spying on us?

"Lindsay we aren't a couple, why would you think that?" I ask in the most casual way possible, but it didn't work. Lindsay gave me a confused look like it was obvious to her.

"You two, sucking face last night? Ring any bells?" She said this like she were explaining to a cactus. My eyes widen visibly and Lindsay takes notice.

"How did you-?" I leave the question hanging openly because I wasn't sure how to finish it.

"I was going to get a game controller last night but I saw you, Geoff and Gavin talking and didn't want to interrupt you guys so I decided to sneak. I dropped Gavin's remote accidentally trying to grab the extra one on the table. Anyways, I was about to leave when I turned just in time to see you two making-out," She explained quickly, as if trying to get though how she found out so she didn't have to explain anything anymore. I stare at her for longer then appropriate, trying to think of a way to explain this.

"I- we aren't together, I don't think. It was, I don't know, a spur of the moment thing, I guess," I try to explain, although it didn't make much sense to me either. She gave me a look indicating that she didn't believe one word I was saying.

"Ray, I've seen the way you two look at each other, like you couldn't live without each other. Why does it have to be difficult?" She talked in a calm tone, but one with hope, and I wasn't sure why.

"What are you two doing?" Said a deep voice coming down the hall. Jack had turned the corner and was now walking toward us with a curious expression. We had talked during breakfast, he told me about his and the King's relationship. He was much calmer talking about the subject then Geoff was, and it seems like they were good friends. With each detail I began feeling worse for each of the Hunters. Everyone was close to the King in some way.

"Nothing," I answer a little too quickly, "Just talking," Jack raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off, he was never one to pry. He now looked to Lindsay.

"Lindsay, Michael's looking for you. Something about kicking you ass in GTA?" Lindsay smiled brightly and her cheeks turned a light shade of red.

"We'll see about that!" She waved bye to jack and gave me a small wink before heading off to find Michael. Jack smiled back. I begin walking to the Labs as I was once before, but this time jack walked with me.

"Mind if I join you?" He asks. I smile and shake my head. I don't really talk to jack much either but he was enjoyable to be around.

As we walked I could only think about what Lindsay had said. Would she tell anyone about what happened with me and Gavin? Did Gavin and I really act so strange around each other? According to Lindsay our feeling towards each other were obvious, and that scared the hell out of me. I wanted to take my mind off the subject, but I also wanted to spill my heart out. That also scared the hell out of me.

"You okay? you seem a little out of it," said Jack on the elevator ride down to the Lab. I nod lightly, snapping out of my thoughts. "Yeah, I was just thinking,"

"About what?" He asked curiously.

I think again for a minute before responding. I didn't feel comfortable talking about my feelings, but I also believed Jack to be trustworthy of keeping a secret.

"About Gavin," I respond.


Hey guys! I'm having serious writers-block as of the moment, so I apologize in advance about the crappy chapter. In the next few chapters there will be more rayvin and Mad King action goin' on. I just need to find a way to get where I wanna go :P

**Chapter 19: The Journey, Coming soon!!**

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