Chapter 15: Heroes

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I was in sitting on my bed and starring blankly at the bundle of roses in a clear vase that sat on my dresser, the same one's Gavin had bought me a few months back. Somehow they still managed to flourish despite the lack of sun and care they received. They reminded me of the people who lives here at the Labs. They seem to live happily despite how much attention or care they received.

I was thinking about tonight. It was late when we got back to base, but I found myself unable to sleep. Michael had given Geoff a fully detailed report of tonight, or what he could remember, where as I left to my room without so much as a word to the others. I felt bad for ignoring Jack once I got back, he seemed very excited to see our first mission as a group went, but he was ignored by the Lads. The only sign he got that we would live was a short-lived smile shot his direction by myself. I didn't feel like talking once we got back.

I wondered if what I was doing is right. Of course I knew this was a worthy cause, to defeat the King, but should I be a part of it? Yes I had a personal tie as to why I hated him, but I feared that I'm not the right person to fight. I have thought about this before. I'm living with heroes, people with a purpose. I don't have that same feeling after tonight. The King had also brought up feelings I had not wanted to deal with for many years. Feelings I didn't want to think about, and something that I didn't quite realize. I liked Gavin, as more then just a friend, and I don't think I wanted to admit it, but I knew it was true. I might just love my best friend.

I didn't have to look to see who was at my door; there was only one person who never knocked. I didn't look at him; I didn't think I could. I could hear the lightness in his voice whenever he spoke next. Somehow, he always found a form of happiness.

"Hey, Lad. How are you?" He asked quietly. I took a deep breath and nodded with silence. I walked farther into the room and sat down quietly on my bed next to me. He didn't speak again for a few minutes. "I'm sorry about your mum, I had no idea," he said sympathetically. I take my time before I responded.

"It was a long time ago. He was just beginning to rule like he is now," My voice starts to crack so I clear my throat and compose myself before continuing. "He personally killed her. We were a family who refused to sigh over the state to him, so the King sought us out to force us to. We refused, so he did something if never seen before. He-" I lip my lips only to taste the familiar taste of salt. I was crying, and that was the last thing I wanted to do, but I continue anyways. "He fired out her brain. Using whatever fucked up powers he had, he tortured her till there was nothing left to hurt," My voice cracked and I looked down at my hands that were folded in my lap, watching the tears fall onto them.

Just as I began to breakdown, I felt a soft hand slip into my tear covered one. I look over to see Gavin giving me a soft, sympathetic smile. He squeezed my hand. I look at him with puffy red eyes; this is when I broke down. I fell onto Gavin, weeping thick, wet tears into his chest. Gavin placed his other free hand on my back and stroked it gently, not saying a word. It felt nice.

I didn't want to think about what this meant right now. All I knew is that Gavin was a source of comfort, and one that I wouldn't pass up. I needed him, and I hope in the future he would need me too. The sound if his heartbeat and the soft sound of him breathing made me feel drowsy almost immediately.

We sat there a good while before I eventually fell asleep, still tangled in Gavin's embrace. He still didn't move, he instead let me sleep and refused to move me for fear of waking me. We both fell asleep on my bed and slept the whole night soundly together.


Thanks for reading guys! I decided to sway from the hero-y stuff and put in some X-Ray and Vav for this chapter! Sorry for the short chapter, but I still hope you enjoyed!

**Chapter 16: Time to Talk, Coming soon!!**

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