Chapter 10: Bevs

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The elevator ride on the way back up was full of excitement and pats on the back, along with some 'I knew you had it in you, Ray!' And 'X-Ray powers, huh, that could be a cool name!' We walked out of the elevator with out arms around each other's shoulders. On our way to the X-Box room to meet up with the rest of the Achievement Hunters, Geoff splits off to the kitchen to get some beers, and Griffon heads off to find someone named Kerry, who was apparently watching Millie. It was just Gavin and I on our way to the others.

"That really was impressive, Ray. Especially for your first go of it," We unwrap our arms from each other's shoulders, seeing as how it was a bit awkward since Geoff and Griffon left. I smile at him. We were both in a great mood since my practice time, and I just wanted to see everyone. To spread the news about how I'm like them, how maybe I could stay with them permanently since I had powers too.

"How'd you do it? What'd you think of?" I knew he was referring to what Griffon had me imagine, however I felt almost embarrassed to tell Gavin. It seemed stupid to me, the thought that the thing I most wanted was to stay here with everyone, to be a part of the Achievement Hunter team. I chuckle a bit.

"Uh- Roses. Just a bundle of nice roses," I say with a dreamy, sarcastic voice. Gavin laughed slightly.

"No really. Whenever I first discovered my powers I imagined Geoff coming to meet my parents back in London. It's stupid but it worked," He looked down a bit, trying not to make eye contact.

"I imagined you, and the rest of the hunters. We were playing X-Box, me included, like I was part of the family," I become fairly quiet after explaining to Gavin what I had imagined. I knew he was going to say something, but I didn't want to linger on the subject, and we had reached the game room. I open the doors, and a large applause followed. Somehow Geoff was already there drinking a beer, he must have taken a short-cut. We walk in and I plop down on the couch, Michael offers me a drink but I turn him down.

"I don't drink, but you guys have fun," he gave me a confused look, as did the rest of them, but they quickly shook it off and continued socializing. Lindsay was also there, as were many people I hadn't seen before. One man introduced himself as Joel, another introduced himself as Burnie. I crack open a red-bull and Jack hands me a controller; he had already turned on GTA 5 before adding me into the game. We were playing for about a half hour before he paused the game to look at me, obviously wanting me to pay attention to what he was saying. Geoff sat down on the other side of me and Michael leaned on the back of the couch. Gavin sat down on the table in front of me.

"What's going on guys?" Everyone had gone quiet, but the mood was still happy. Jack cleared his throat.

"We were all thinking. You've been here a while now-" he began. This is it, they're finally kicking me out. I was about to stand up to leave, but then Jack continued. "-and we want you to be part of the Achievement Hunters," He concluded.

"Me? You want- what really? I mean- this isn't a joke?" Michael laughed before hitting me on the shoulder. Ouch.

"Well? What do you say?" He added. I look around the room at the various people looking excited with anticipation. Then I look to Gavin; he was smiling brightly, his hair was in its normal messy state, and his eyes were hopeful and light. I don't know why we became friends, or what twisted amount of fate brought me here, but I was glad it did. I was more then glad, I was gleeful; hopeful again. I began seeing everything in a new light, a better light. I began to see.... People.... in a new light. After so long of dread and dark, this shred of happiness was enough to keep me going for a long while. I nod, smiling brightly to match the anticipation of the room.

"Hell ya!" I finally answer. There was a loud uproar followed by multiple pats on the back and the sound of cans opening.

"Welcome to the family, dick! it took long enough!" Geoff told me.

We were all laughing and playing games for hours on end, and eventually Griffon brought down Millie to meet me. She was the sweetest little girl I had ever met; she strongly resembled her father. Geoff had picked her up and put her on his shoulders, running around the room like an airplane. He was on the verge of drunk, but instinct told me he wouldn't drop her. Just by the way he held her and the joyful expression on the father and daughter's faces, I could tell he was a great dad. Everyone went to bed late that night, Michael and I even had to help Gavin into bed.

"Why don't we have bev's more often, Lads?" He mumbled as Michael slung him into bed. Gavin restlessly settled into the bed as he continued to talk in a slurred tone. "Lads! we- you- we should call ourselves that! Me, you, and Ray! team Lads!" Michael laughed and patted Gavin's shoulder.

"Yeah, bud. Ok, Good-night, Gav," Michael said as he exited the room. I was about to turn off the light and head to my own room across the hall, but then Gavin started talking again.

"Ray? Is that you, Ray?" I laugh and nod.

"Yeah, Gav, it's me," Gavin chuckled lightly, I could tell he was beginning to doze off.

"I'm glad you're here Ray. We- we're friends," he laughed again. "X-Ray and Vav, right, superheroes together forever?" By this point I could barely understand him. I smile and nod again.

"Yeah, X-Ray and Vav, five-ever, Gav," He nodded, smiling before completely passing out. I turn off the light and shut the door, letting the British man sleep.


Thank you for reading! this update was much quicker then the last wasn't it? I hope you enjoyed it! Leave a comment to tell me if I messed up, or just to leave a note!

**Chapter 11: Suit Up, coming soon!!**

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