Chapter 8: The Haircut

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Gavin and I were walking back to our rooms, tired, or at least I was. Geoff restored whatever he took from me, my 'powers' or whatever. What Geoff failed to mention before taking my abilities was that half the time he didn't know how to control the powers he took from other people. I guess he just winged it half the time. I walked ahead of Gavin to go open my door, whenever Gavin started laughing hysterically. I turn to look at him with a questioning look. "What? What is it?" He regained his composure for a few seconds before laughing again.

"You've got a buzz-cut on the back of your head! Looks like Geoff got you after all!" I quickly place my hand on the back of my head, and sure enough I feel a spot on the back of my head where the hair was shorter then all the rest.

"God damn it!" This made Gavin laugh harder. "Is it bad?" I ask him.

"No, no, your f-fi-" his own laughter cut him off. "Your head!" I groan and open my bedroom door, walking in with Gavin behind me. He was still chuckling as I collapse onto the bed and he sits on the edge.

"Time for a haircut...." I mumble. Gavin laughed quickly again.

"Your telling me, lad!" My hair had apparently significantly improved Gavin's mood. It was tense on the ride back up. Lindsay and Michael had ridden back up with Geoff in the elevator first, Gavin, Jack and I followed in the elevator after they had left. Jack was impressed with my powers and informed me that I would really have to practice if I wanted to see the full ability of my powers. However, I was still skeptical as to if I had powers. I had never been able to use them if I did, and if I did have powers, Geoff was the first to use them and he couldn't even control them! What makes them think I can? I was apparently quiet a lot longer then I had thought, since Gavin cleared his throat and stood up, stretching.

"I'll ask Griffon if she can give you a quick haircut. I'm sure she won't mind, she does Millie's all the time," I was going to ask who Millie was, but he smiled and began walking to the door, but turned to face me just as he was about to leave. "Oh, and I finally got those roses, you said the room needed some," I look up, seeing a few red roses in a nice tall vase of water resting on top of the dresser. I chuckle a bit and look back to Gavin.

"Thanks, the room just got twenty times better!" Gavin smiled happily and left the room, closing the door softly behind him. I sigh and lean back on the bed again, deciding it was time for a nap. I let my mind wander as I begin to fall asleep. About an hour later, I wake up startled due to the fact that Gavin has suddenly burst through the door. I jerk awake and look at him with a confused expression.

"What? Who?" I ask in a scratchy voice. I look over at Gavin, who seemed he realized he had made a mistake.

"Oh, ah- no, nothing wrong. I forgot to knock. my bad, I just wanted to tell you Griffon will give you a haircut now if you'd like!" I sigh but nod.

"Yeah, I'll uh-" I sit up from the bed, now trying to wake up from my nap. "I'm coming, just give me a sec," I stand up and stretch. Gavin waited patiently in the doorway as I fix my bed before following him. "You really need to work on your door-knocking skills, Gav," Gavin chuckled and shut the door behind me.

Gavin leads me to the kitchen where we had breakfast earlier in the day. Griffon was now there and had a chair and small station set up for my haircut. Gavin waved to her as we walked in. she gave me a warm smile before walking over.

"Hey, Ray. Gav told me what happened. Let me see the damage before I fix it," I was hesitant to turn to let her see what Geoff had done to my hair just a few hours earlier. I could tell she was repressing a laugh as she looked at the back of my head. "Alright," she said in a amused voice, "We should be able to fix that," Griffon sat me in the chair and put a towel around me to catch all the hair she chops off.

"Okay, what do you want done?" I blink, still a bit tired from when Gavin had so suddenly woken me up for a haircut.

"Uh, I mean just keep it as long as possible, but make it even. Just make sure the, um.... spot, is gone," Griffon nodded and turned on the clippers. I give her a small smile before settling into my chair. I appreciated her doing this, I mean it's not like she had to. I'm sure Gavin convinced her somehow, but either way she was. Slowly but surely she started clipping and shaving at my head. I start to doze. I always found haircuts rather relaxing, even if there was someone with scissors near my neck. It was about fifteen minutes later when Griffon shook me awake, handing me a mirror.

"Your the only person I know who could fall asleep while someone cutting your hair," She chuckled and held the mirror up to my face. "So, what do you think? Is it okay?" I look at my hair, contemplating her question. It was awful! she had shaved the sides of my head, and now there was a strip of long hair going down the middle of my head and down to my neck. I look like a douchebag! I put on a forced smile and give a quick

"Thanks, Griff," before standing up from the chair. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but I can't help feeling that whenever I turned to face her, she had the slightest smirk.

"Anytime, Ray!" I look at my hair in the mirror again before walking back to my room. Gavin wasn't there with me anymore so I assumed he was either playing videogames or hanging out with Michael.

I went back to my room before deciding I should go find the achievement hunters. They never really explained to me why they called themselves that, but I assumed it was an X-Box thing. I walk to the X-Box room to find them. the first thing I hear whenever I walk into the room was an abrupt uproar of laughter, followed by clever remarks. I chuckle and smile as I walk it and endure their taunts.

"I can't believe Griffon actually did it, this lad bet five bucks you wouldn't!"

"You look like a dick, dude! Remind me to thank my wife for this treasure!"

"Ha! You look like a tool!"


Thanks for reading! I'm sorry I hadn't updated, I've been busy moving and stuff :P hope you enjoyed this chapter!

**Chapter 9: Practice Time, coming soon!!**

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