Chapter 16: Time to Talk

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I woke up early the next morning with a headache, but I had slept through the night with ease. It wasn't till now that I felt all my aches and pains from the night before. The swelling around my eye and mouth hurt predominately more then before, and it hurt a bit to breath. I might need to see Caleb to make sure my ribs are in check.

My eyes were a bit crusty when I try to blink myself awake. It was now I realized that there was soft breathing just in front of me; the feeling of a warm arm wrapped loosely around me in comfort, and the intoxicating scent of a familiar aroma. I had forgotten Gavin had spent the night with me to deal with my bullshit crying. I was still thankful he had stayed; I don't think I would have stayed past last night if he hadn't come to listen to me bitch about my past.

I didn't want to move, I wanted to stay in this moment with Gavin, even if he wasn't awake. He looked peaceful when he slept. He was always happy and positive, the Gavin everyone loved always was, but it wasn't till last night that I saw how sad his eyes become; hidden behind that brilliant smile. This would complicate our relationship, if it be strengthening it or tearing it apart, I had no idea. Right now I didn't care too much to think about it.

A month had passed since our mission with the Mad King. Gavin and I made a silent, non-verbal agreement to not talk about when he spent the night with me. Nothing happened that night, but it was best we didn't talk about it. Or at least that's what I convinced myself to think. However ever since that night it did seem that Gavin and I had gotten closer. Team Lads as a whole seemed to grow rather close, but I still tried to distance myself a good amount. I was never good with confronting my feelings. Once in a while Gavin and I would accidentally brush hands or accidentally run into each other. I didn't know how to extend from that, other then trying to occasionally sit closer to him then normal.

It was a quiet night; Jack, Lindsay, and everyone else had gone to sleep except myself, Gavin, and Geoff. Obviously we couldn't look outside to see the stars, but I imagined them as Geoff and Gavin played Titanfall on the couch. Gavin and Geoff were very close, and I could always see that. There was a fatherly figure in Geoff since he was already a dad, but he treated Gavin like he was his own. He treated all the Achievement Hunters like they were his, because they are, but Gavin was different. They were bonded in a way I could only compare to Geoff and Millie. I watch them for a while, silently, before talking in a low but predominate voice.

"Who is the Mad King?" I ask clearly. Now was the time for answers, because I didn't think I could wait any longer. Gavin and Geoff looked at each other before pausing the game at the same time. Geoff looked at me with a small smile.

"No one knows. A lot if people believe he doesn't have a name," Geoff explained. I shake my head slightly.

"No, but you do. Don't you?" I ask blatantly. Gavin looked down to avoid answering the question. There was a long pause before Geoff swallowed a bit and nodded his head lightly. He looked very hesitant to answer me, and with good reason. It's hard telling people things they want to know, but things you don't want to tell.

"We knew the Mad King personally. He was our friend and colleague, a really good guy," Geoff began to explain, his voice cracking slightly. He sighed before continuing in a regretful tone, "His name is James Ryan Haywood, and he is-, sorry- was, an Achievement Hunter,"


Hey guys! Y'all have been askin' for an update so here ya go! sorry it wasn't sooner, and it's a bit shorter then I'd like, but next chapter will be better! If there's enough space in the next chapter there will be more X-Ray and Vav, but if not it will be in the next, next chapter :) thanks guys!

**Chapter 17: James Ryan Haywood, Coming soon!!**

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