Chapter 12: First Mission

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We park the car a few blocks back from where our designated location was, which was a nearby shipping warehouse. Michael walked in front of us, obviously the designated leader of our newly formed team, and I was fine with that. He was probably more qualified to lead a group then Gavin and I combined.

There was a fence surrounding the complex, so Michael took his role and looked around to make sure no one is around before running and hopping the fence in one swift movement. Without thinking, I follow after him, jumping the fence and nearly falling over my stupidness, but I somehow miraculously land it. Nice. I follow Michael to behind a shed that was close by. So far we had been silent, at least until Gavin hopped the fence and fell over it with a huff. I was holding back the urge to laugh uncontrollably, and it looked like Gavin was too, however Michael looked unamused. Gavin hurried to stand up and swiftly walk behind the shed where Michael and I were located.

"Quit fooling the fuck around," Michael murmured, "I'm going to go around the front and take out and guards. You two go around back and find a way inside," I nodded silently. Michael smiled and put a hand on my shoulder before ducking out from behind the shed and sneakily making his way to a truck to hide behind. He continued this pattern of dodging and weaving until he was out of our sight, but a moment later we could hear a loud clatter where I assumed Michael found a Knight.

"Alright, let's go," Gavin quickly mumbled, taking charge of our duo. I followed stealthily behind him as he followed the shadows all the way behind the building. We got around back with unusual ease, and it made me uneasy. Gavin lead me to a locked door in which he looked to me with a hopeful look.

"You're up, X-Ray, think you got it?" Gavin asked. I smile and nod before looking at the locked door. I put all my concentration toward the lock on the door, focusing with all I have. Soon two red beams shoot from my eyes and strait toward the lock, melting it like butter on hot toast. It looked red hot, and I'm sure it felt that way too. I pull away my concentration from the door, using my vision normally again, and look at Gavin.

"That was brilliant!" He beamed. I give a small sideways smile before pushing the door open. It squeaked as we walked in. It was dimly lit near the door and was difficult to see with my normal vision, I would have to use my night vision. In order to do that, it was actually a lot simpler then one would think, all I had to do is imagine everything light, then it would be. It was the one of the easier powers I had to learn. I focus hard, imagining the dimly lit room light. It wasn't hard, and easily enough the room, to me, was fully lit. The room we were in was large, but large metal shelves with boxes lined the whole room. I look behind me to find Gavin stumbling about, trying to find his way around.

"Vav, you're a dumbass. Follow my voice," I coax him, trying to speak quietly. He tried to walk to me confidently, but stumbled over his feet, luckily I catch him with one swift movement before he falls onto the ground. I could see him, but he couldn't see me. I could see his chest swell and his eyes search for me in the dark, as well as the way his hand twitched, as if wanting to grab me. We stayed in our position on the ground perhaps longer then we should have before I help Gavin to his feet again.

"I uh- this way," I tell Gavin quietly. His face had turned pink.

We walked a few minutes before we heard voices near us in the next room. In this room, light flooded it. I could tell because it made my eyes burn since I was still using my night vision. I blink a few times fast and imagine my vision back to normal, making my vision return to its regular state. Gavin and I creep against the wall. I peer into the room before we make any sort of move. There were six Knights in total all of them were wearing cow masks. They were all conversing about something; I had no idea what about.

"This isn't going to work, he's crazy,"

"Well ya he's crazy, dumbass. That's why it'll work,"

"I dunno, Barb, I might agree with him. It's a little far-fetched,"

"Guys, will you- Gah!" I had sent a red laser straight at the man who was talking, sending him toward a wall and clutching his stomach. I felt bad but the feeling soon passed. I didn't kill him, I had also learned to control the heat that came from the lasers. They once beat the shit out of me, and now it was my turn to do the same. Almost simultaneously, Gavin and I rush out from our hiding spot, running at the guards. Gavin tackled one whereas I shoot another guard with a laser. Another rushed me from behind, tackling me onto the concrete ground. I lose my breath for a second before whipping my head back and hitting whoever tackled me in the nose. I roll out from under them to see blood tricking from under their mask.

"What?" I say as I stand up, "Are you sad you have a nose-bleed? Too bad, dickweed!" I give a hard kick to the person's stomach before turning to see Gavin fighting off another Knight. He was dodging them easily. He had mastered his 'slow-mo' powers and now has the best reflexes of anyone in the Achievement Hunters. He moved quickly, dodging the Knights' hits, but not fighting back.

"Gavin, what are you doin'!?" I ask. He looked as if he couldn't. Like all he could do is dodge them, evade their hits. However he couldn't keep doing that, a different Knight was about to tackle him from behind. I send a laser at the Knight Gavin had yet to see and another one at the Knight Gavin was trying to dodge. He looked relieved as he looked at me, but then defense crossed his face.

"X-Ray, behind you!" Gavin yelled. I turn around to see the Knight right before he slammed me into a wall. I try to shoot a laser at him but he turned me around so that I was facing the wall. He slammed my head into the wall once, giving me an instant headache. However he didn't do it again as expected, instead Gavin had grabbed the Knight by the collar and threw him on the ground, where he was now beating the Knight into unconsciousness.

"Vav? Vav! He's down, its fine!" I try to assure him, he was breathing heavily as he looked down at the knight. I put a hand on his shoulder and he instantly relaxes. I help him to his feet. He gave me a small smile. I notice a Knight on the ground who's mask had been kicked off. It was a woman, she was very pretty. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a good figure. Gavin stayed where he was, observing her from a distance.

"Who's she?" I ask Gavin absent-mindlessly, I didn't expect him to answer.

"Barbara," he answered coldly. I turn to face him with a surprised look. I was going to ask him more but we were interrupted by a man in a Banjo Kazooie costume.

"Mogar! There you are, where've you been?" Gavin squealed, changing the subject quickly. Michael smiled and walked into the room.

"I was looking for you two assholes!" He said playfully happy. It was now I noticed he was carrying a small brown, cardboard box under his arm.

"What's that?" I ask curiously. He shrugged. "It's whatever package we were suppose to get. Geoff said to check it out before bringing it back to base," I nodded and walked over to Gavin and I, kicking the unconscious Knights as he did. I notice Gavin position himself in front of 'Barbara' so Michael couldn't see her face. Who is this girl? Michael handed the package to Gavin so he could remove the tape that sealed the box. I didn't get to see what was in the box, all I saw was a large puff of green smoke erupt from the box, immediately causing me to start choking and gagging.

The same was happening to Michael and Gavin. One by one we started falling to the floor, gasping for air. I finally collapse onto the cold floor last, barely breathing. The last thing I saw before completely passing out was a pair of black boots.


Thanks for reading! This chapter caused me all sorts of trouble :P, but I got it! please leave comments telling me what I can improve or how I can improve my writing! thanks guys!

**Chapter 13: The Mad King, coming soon!**

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