Chapter 4: Achievement Hunter Labs

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It was a week and a half before I could stand up on my own. I still got easily tired but I didn't let it affect me. Brain trauma? Not for me. It was now that I got to leave the clinic I was in. Gavin came for me once Caleb said I was free to leave, however we weren't leaving the building. Apparently everything he wanted to show me was right here. Instead of the scrubs I first saw him in, he now wore jeans with a white T-shirt with a light and dark green checkered scarf.

"So what is this place, actually?" Everyone kept telling me it was a Lab, but they didn't explain. He smiles as he made sure I wouldn't topple over as we walked down a long corridor towards a large green door.

"It's where people like me live. We call it a lab because we experiment with our powers, see our limits and stuff," I nodded in understanding. I began to grow more anxious as we approached the door, wondering what and who was behind it. "Don't worry," Gavin said, "you'll be fine,"

He opened the door and offered that I go first. I walked through, and what I saw was not what I expected. There was people everywhere, talking, and using their powers to do various tasks. one man was typing with both hands on keyboard while levitating a beer to him mouth. It was a large room with TV's and Computers scattered about on walls and desks. There was one large flat screen that hung on the far wall that had a green couch to sit on in front of it. Two people were sitting and- no fucking way, I think to myself.

"Is that an X-Box?" I ask Gavin quickly. He nodded happily as I walk in the room.

"PlayStations on the other side, and PC's on the far desk's," I hadn't played on an X-Box or anything of the sort since I was a kid. After the King took over they were all burned or condemned, saying that we could use them as spy devices or some crap like that. This all must be highly illegal, but I could honestly care less.

"GOD FUCKIN' DAMN IT, GEOFF!" Yelled a man from the green couch, who threw his controller on the ground out of anger. The man sitting next to him was laughing hysterically next to him. "WHY THE FUCK, I HAD FIFTY-THREE IRON YOU FUCKING DICK!" Gavin began walking to them, so I follow closely behind him.

"Micoo, look who's awake!" Even though the man was once fuming with angry, once he looked at me his mood must have improved.

"Holy crap, look who lived!" 'Micoo' stood up and walked around the couch to come greet us. He gave Gavin a nod before holding his hand out to me. "I'm Michael, you probably know me as Mogar," he smiled and I shook his hand.

"So you're the one who beat the Knight for me, huh?" I smile and put my hands in my pockets. "Guess I owe both of you," Michael shook his head. Michael had dark brown eyes that almost reminded me of melted chocolate. His curly auburn hair was covered with a beanie, and tattoo sleeves going to his elbow, which matched his personality perfectly. He was wearing jeans like everyone else, but was wearing a brown hoodie who's hood had bear ears attached.

"No way man, its what we do! You don't owe us anything," Gavin shook his head in agreement. Even though they refuse to accept I owed them, I believe I do. I point to the TV screen Michael was just sitting at before putting my hand back in my pocket.

"What're you playing?" The man who was sitting next to him continued to keep playing. It looked like he was placing blocks, and everything was square. I didn't know what the point of it was but it looked fun. It was like a better version of legos.

"Minecraft," He answered quickly, "But Geoff just pushed me in fuckin' lava," Geoff must be the one on the couch. He was still lightly chuckling to himself.

"Geoff, get your bloody arse over here! Say hello to Ray," Gavin yelled. Geoff nodded and put up a finger. He finished whatever he was doing and pressed pause on the game before walking over to meet me. He shook my hand politely.

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