Chapter 2: Mogar and Vav

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"You've fucked up, and now your gonna die, and no...." The man picked me up by what little hair I had and smashed my head into the alley wall, his choice of place to kick my ass. "....I won't make it quick," He slammed my head into the wall again and let me drop to the floor. I soon felt the metallic pang of blood coat my mouth and feel the warm substance run down my face.

He bent down to my level and took my chin, forcing me to look at him, his face only inches from mine. He had a smirk on his face that made the hate in my stomach peak. I couldn't feel my body in order to swing at him, but I did what I could by spitting blood in his eye. His face contorted to match what he was feeling; rage.

"Now you've done it, you punk bastard!" Punk bastard? What the hell are you, British? I think sarcastically to myself again. He picked me up with his left hand and held me against the wall so my feet dangled. Over and over, he punched my face to the point where my right eye had swollen shut and I was positive my nose was broken, and probably my jaw.

"You-" I clear my throat and spit the blood covering my mouth on the street. "You hit like a girl," My eyes slid shut as I let out one gargled chuckle. If I was going to die here I wasn't going to die like a pansy, begging for my life. He threw me on the ground with force that again knocked the breath out of me. I didn't get a chance to regain my breath before he threw a hard kick at my stomach and another to my chest. I swear I could hear my ribs crack as he kicked again, and again. He only stopped when he knew I would black out soon due to blood loss. He bent down and looked at my mis-shapened face before using his fingers to pry my eyes open.

"Not so smart anymore are ya?" He smirked again, "Any last words?" He said in a voice that sounded like he was speaking to a cockroach; revolted but amuzed. I nod my head best I could and look him in the eyes. I struggled to form words but I eventually got out:

"Y-yeah.... Tell your mom I say hi," I give my own busted smirk. I could feel the anger radiate off him as he raised his hand and formed a fist. My vision blurred over, so I close my swollen eyes, dizzy and dying. I expected to feel death hit me like a ton of bricks, but I instead hear my murderer screaming in agony. I was only just barely able to open my left eye to see what was happening. He was clutching his hand, and looked to be in serious pain. Good, but why was that happening? Just then, I see two men team up on the Knight. I couldn't make out their faces or apperence due to my impared vision but I tried to pay attention.

"Go for it, Mogar, I'll get this lad back to base,"

"Well then hurry the fuck up, Vav, he's fucking bleeding to death!"

The one man apperently known as Vav made his way to me and bent down.

"What's your name lad?" He asked quickly. He had a thick british accent that would be easy to recognize in a crowd. I do my best to focus before I answer him. I was trying to pay attention to what was happening with 'Mogar' as well as what the man in front of me was saying. Mogar was now beating the Knight who once beat me with extreme ease. I look at Vav again.

"Ray," I answer slowly, "Ray Narveaz Jr.," I finally choke out.

"Don't worry, Ray, you're safe now." Was the last thing I heard before blood loss and my concussion caught up to me. I passed out, not knowing what the hell just happened.


Thanks for reading! Please leave comments telling me If I need to fix anything, or If you just wanna leave me a note! Things are finally getting interesting! I'll update when I can, which will be soon!

**Chapter 3: Gavin Free, coming soon!**

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