Chapter 3: Gavin Free

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I wake up tired and confused. My vision was still blurry, but I soon realize it was due to the fact that I didn't have my glasses on. Damn it, must have lost them in the fight. I think farther back, trying to remember what happened. It gave me a headache to think at all.

"Hey, your awake!" A voice near me said, it was a man I could tell. "I was afraid you were a gonner," I look around to see who the voice belonged to, because it wasn't anyone I knew. Although I couldn't make anything out, I knew I wasn't at home. From what I could tell I was in an hospital or clinic, and I was the only one here, besides the nurse, who I now notice near a bed opposite mine. He walked over and took something from my bedside and started putting it near my face.

"Hey man what are you-?" I shut myself up when I realized I could see again.

"I just thought you might want your glasses," The nurse said again. He was wearing white instead of blue scrubs, a clear indicator that he wasn't a fully fledged doctor. I would know, I've searched it online. He had an odd, bowl shaped haircut and dark brown hair, his name-tag indicating that he was named Caleb Denecour.

"Yeah I uh.... Ya thanks," My voice was a bit muffled due to gauze covering my jaw. I try to sit up with little success. The moment I moved pain shot threw my whole body. I settle back down before looking at Caleb.

"How long was I out?" I ask in a scratchy tone, now realizing that I was extremely thirsty and hungry. Caleb shrugged and took the charts from off my bedside table.

"Looks like you've been out about.... Four days," He put the chart down again and looked at me with what I assumed was suppose to be a reassuring smile.

"Four days!?" I repeat. It felt like only a couple hours ago I nearly got beaten to death. Now I had more questions than I wanted answers to.

"Where am I?" I ask. Caleb looked as though I should already know that.

"Uh, Achievement Hunter Labs," He said simply. A look of anger and worry quickly crosses my face.

"What do you mean 'labs'? Is this an experiment, am I being tested on?" I ask quickly. Caleb shook his head and gave a look of sorry.

"No, no. nothing like that, that's just what we call this place. I'm sure Geoff will explain later," Who? I sigh, which gave me great discomfort in my chest.

"What the hell happened?" I ask. Again he picked up my chart, flipping the page once or twice to find what he was looking for.

"Well, it looks like you had three broken ribs, a punctured lung, internal bleeding in your lower abdomen, a broken nose and fractured jaw, and a major concussion," I look at him as If trying to see If this was all a joke or not. The unwavered look on his face told me he was serious.

"Well that's great. Anything else?" I ask sarcastically.

"Actually yes, you also have fractures in your tibia, sternum, and skull, as well as blood deplition. Your lucky to be alive," I know he was peppy and trying to help, but I had the overwhelming urge to punch him in the face.

A few hours later I woke up again after taking a much needed nap after my comatosed state. I yawn and look around the room, this time taking in my surroundings. There was another bed to the left and the right of me, and three more on the other side of the room. It was now I realized I was hooked up by needle to some sorta liquid in a hanging plastic bag over on the side of my bed. There was a door at the very end of the room and a work station for the nurse on the other end. It was very clean and proper, which it should be for a clinic. I rest my head back, bored and tired, thinking about what this all was. Why was I here and alive? Who were those guys who saved me? Why was I still so God damn hungry? Someone better get me a damn sandwich.

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