Chapter 14: The King's Offer

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I huff out a large breath of air, wondering what the hell he could possibly want.

"What is it?" I say roughly. The King's happy expression turned calm as he walked toward Gavin. "I said once to not touch them!" I say, yelling this time. The King reacted by not reacting at all. He had grabbed Gavin's face and was pinching it harshly in his hand. I felt anger rise inside me as I looked at the King who blatantly ignored my request. I had tried to use my powers, but for some reason I couldn't. Whatever glasses he has placed on my face were blocking any of my powers from seeping through.

"Yes, I know you don't want anything to happen to your little family. Especially Gavin, right? Yes, Gavin is special to you in more then one way," His voice was calm and collected, as if planning what to say. My rage was apparent on my face now, and anger radiates from my body in flurries. "I thought so," he continued, feeling my emotions in the air; he smirks. "You love your little Gavin don't you? Don't worry, I'll keep your secret," He said confidently. My face turned bright red despite my best efforts to keep my emotions in check. Was that true? Did I have feelings for Gavin? He was my best friend, the person who dragged me into this life and out of hell, it's not like I wouldn't have feelings for him. But friend-feelings, nothing more. Right? I push that from my mind, as far as possible. I only had getting myself and the Lads as far away from here as possible on my mind.

"I am the King, as you know. I have power," he said as he walked toward me again, releasing Gavin. I wait for him to finish, not saying anything he could use against me. "My offer for you is to join me. Your powers are extraordinary if they can block mine, and I could use a Knight like you," He said hopefully. I look at him carefully, examining him. He was completely serious. I laugh unexpectedly, and for a good while. It seemed to echo in the empty room like a shallow haunt.

"Are you fucking insane? I would rather die then join forces with the fuck that murdered my mom!" I blurt out. My voice was heavy and angry, it sounded like something that would have come from Michael when he was upset. The King looked taken back, and actually surprised. However this expression didn't last long, realization and that stupid smile spread across his face again.

"Oh. Your upset with me because I killed a family member, and apparently your mommy at that. Well, what can I say, I would do it again, because I assume she was trying to stop me from climbing my way up the ranks," He came inches from my face, breathing every word so that I would clearly hear every one. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. "I am going to do the same to Gavin. And Michael. And Jack. And especially Geoff," He smiled in such a way that made my stomach curl, "Everyone will die or bow to me. But you can avoid that. I'm giving you a chance to have power, glory. I'm giving you the chance to live," He backed away from my face. I was livid, but my stomach still did flips from the way he spoke. He looked like a nice guy from the outside, but when he talked and looked at you with death in his eyes, he became the most threatening and terrifying man in the world. I didn't say a word, if I did I don't think words would come out properly due to my anger. "I know what your answer is, it's no, right?" I still don't reply, only look at him with the deepest hatred in my eyes. I hated this man, more then the world.

"12AM, Friday night. If you change your mind, I'll be right here," With that, the Mad King concluded his small speech. "You can find your own way out," his voice was bitter as he turned in his heels to walk out of the same doorway I had first seen him in. The room was silent after he left, utterly quiet besides the sound of Michael's heavy breathing. It was a few moments before I heard a British man's voice on the left of me.

"Would it be possible for you to burn the ropes?"

My head whipped to the side to see Gavin smiling lightly. He looked utterly exhausted but had not a scratch on him. I guess the whole invulnerable thing worked to his advantage. I immediately begin to wonder how much of the King and I's conversation he had heard. I nod lightly as I begin to try and shake off the glasses that rested on my face. It took a few minutes to shake them off, seeing as they were wedged on my face, but eventually they shook off. I look at the ropes that confined him to the chair, and easily burn it, allowing Gavin to break it, unwrap his legs and escape. He ran as quick as he could to my chair and untie me before doing the same for Michael. I had to zap Michael's hand to wake him up, but he woke up eventually. I had to help them both out of the building and back to the car, which seemed like an extremely long journey though the maze of a warehouse and over the fence again. I had to drive us all back home, getting tired instructions as to where to go by Michael. Truth be told, I've only driven a handful of times in my whole life. Gavin sat silently in the back seat the whole time, barley able to hear him breath. I knew we'd talk about this later, but as of now no one wanted to talk. No one wanted to listen.

I had questions, and plenty of them. It was time for someone to talk and explain why exactly the Mad King knew their names by heart. Why he looked at then like he knew every part of them, without reading their minds. He knew them, and I needed to know how. I was tired and would go back to base and fall into a deep sleep, but I knew, it was time to talk to Geoff.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Love and kisses! and just wondering, would anyone be terribly distraught if I stopped the story? I feel like it's too boring :P anywho, let me know! cheers!

**Chapter 15: Heroes, Coming soon!!**

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