Chapter 24: Revenge

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Holy mother of God... 2.5k reads!! That's amazing!! Thank you all so much for reading and supporting this story!! Love you all! <3


No one woke up early the next morning. By the time everyone was awake and moving it was already past noon and well into two PM. I laid with Gavin until then. I watched him slowly breath as tear stains still brand his cheeks. When he finally began to stir I unwrapped him and let him wake up on his own. His lightly colored eyes found mine and he smiled softly, and I smiled back. The smile didn't last long, after he remembered why I was there. He looked tired, even after sleeping for so long, with dark circles under his eyes.

"What did he say.... Before it happened?" Gavin whispered. I almost didn't hear him, but I caught his words.

"He wanted to make sure Millie would be okay.... He also wanted me to tell everyone that you're all still a bunch of dicks," I reply with whatever upbeat tone I could muster, which wasn't a lot, but it was enough. Gavin nodded with a half-smile. We both got up silently.

Sitting at the breakfast table was almost difficult for me. We all had our normal seats now, where we sat everyday. I was on the left of Geoff ever since that time he snapped at me, and Gavin was on my right. Next to Gavin sat Michael then Lindsay. Where Geoff would be sitting, on his other side would be Griffon and next to her Millie, then Jack. Everyone else rotated seats every so often, but we knew where to sit each morning. Griffon was not there, and Millie sat quietly to herself. We all did. Most people had big, greasy breakfast's to ease their hangovers, but Gavin, Jack and I settled with only coffee. I look over at Millie, who looked like she was in a daze. I remember thinking what she is right now. She's trying to understand, and trying to realize that she will never see her dad again.

A week went by, followed by one month, then six. We had all began working a few weeks after Geoff passed, but it was only now that people began to give each other real smiles again, not fake, supportive ones. Every so often Millie would come and talk to me, since I was the last person who saw Geoff before his passing. She would ask me questions and I would answer them however I could, but sometimes I had no idea what to tell her.

"Ray, do you think that there is anyway he could be alive still?" She asked me one night. I liked talking to her, and I'm glad she at least wants to talk about her dad. All I wanted to do was forget about my mom dying.

"Millie, if there was any way I could have saved him, I would have. You know that right?" I ask. She nodded her head lightly and I smiled softly at her. "But who knows, your dad was very powerful.... But I don't think anyone but Gavin could have survived that blast," I say honestly. She was young but she was beyond her years, and got upset when lied to, so I didn't make the attempt. She nods again in agreement.

"I can't talk to Gavin like I can with you. Whenever I talk about my dad with him he gets very sad, and starts to cry sometimes. So does my mom, but she is okay," She states. It made us all sad to think about Geoff, but to Griffon and Gavin it was different. They were like family even before all of this started.

"He's just sad Millie, and he misses him. We all do," I say quietly. She nods again.

"Gavin talks about you," She says with a small smile. "You mean a lot to him...." She looks around to see if anyone else is there before leaning in to whisper in my ear. "I think he might like you!" She said excitedly, which made me laugh. A real laugh. She looked at me again with a smile.

"Oh, really?" I say quietly, then look around to see if anyone else is there, mimicking her. "Well I think I might like him too!" I say happily. Millie was a smart kid, but I don't think I could explain my relationship with Gavin to her, but having a crush seems good enough. "But shh!" I say, putting a finger to my lips. "Don't tell anyone!" She laughed and nodded, putting out her small pinkie finger for a promise. I wrap mine around hers and she runs to go play video games with Michael on the green couch in the gaming room. This is where I met the whole Achievement Hunter gang.

Michael hugged Millie so she sat right next to him on the couch, and handed her a X-Box controller.

"MILLIE! YOU BLEW ME UP! WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR!?" Michael raged, but it only made Millie laugh, which in turn made him laugh. I was glad she was happy for a while.

It was then that I decided I needed to do something. I couldn't sit here anymore. She would only be happy for a time and Gavin was still sad every night, and I would know since I still laid with him every night. It was almost a routine now, ever since I stayed the first time. I liked staying with him. I missed him ever since Geoff died; he wasn't the same. He still laughed and smiled, but there was something hollow about them.

The King needed to pay for this. We've all pretended that it was all a mistake and that everything was fine because it was their friend they were all fighting against. However the King was their friend, not anymore. James Ryan Haywood was a psychopathic murderer who was only intent on controlling everything he could. He was truly the Mad King, and he needed to be stopped. He was never my friend, and I could care less about what happens to him. Its time that a true ruler comes into play; It's time to kill the King.


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I know it was shorter then most but it's kinda like an intro for what's to come! Leave your thoughts and advise and thank you all for reading!

**Chapter 25: Intent, Coming soon!**

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