Chapter 21: Edgar

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We got inside with unusual ease, and it made me want to squirm. I could already tell something was wrong, we got through that too easy. I make sure to compose myself before walking through the large gold-and-glass doors and into the large palace. The lobby was extravagant, as was everything else. There were a few scattered Knights roaming about, looking determined to get where they were going and giving idle chit-chat along the way. On the left side of the lobby, next to some red velvet couches, were elevators. The Knights looked at us oddly since we were low on social interaction and greetings on our mission to the elevator. There were a few Knights already wiring by the elevator doors. The elevator needed a retinal scan in order to get up, and luckily someone had already done it for us. I otherwise had no idea how we'd get up.

We all gathered tightly into the elevator with two other random Knights and kept to ourselves as Michael pressed the level '31' button for us and level '22' for the Knights next to us.

"You hear about the King's new set up upstairs?" A Knight with a five o'clock shadow showing under his mask asked Gavin.

"I uh- no. I'm about to, though," Replied Gavin. He was trying his best to steady his voice but it was no use. However the knight simply smiled.

"Yeah, I'd be nervous if I were going up there too, I heard its.... Nice," The Knight snickered as the doors opened up, reviling level 22. Why would 'nice' be a bad thing? Was 'nice' a code word for something?

As the elevator slowly went up and opened on various levels to let others in and out, as level 22 came about, it was obvious it was somewhere for the Knights to spend time. There were swarms of Knights, there was loud talking, laughter, and drinks. It looked like a common area for everyone to hang out on breaks or something. Do they get breaks? I don't know, I really don't care. I almost wanted to get out and question all of them, but I didn't know what I would ask nor if I could. I was also squished against the back of the elevator so there was that.

Soon the elevator comes to a slow then stops.

"Stay calm, and remember the plan," Cooed Kerry, which was the first thing he'd said all mission. I really liked spending time with Kerry, he was a nice guy but when it came to missions he was all business.

"Got it, DF, everyone stay on me," Retorted Geoff. DF- Dragonface, Kerry's codename. The doors slide open and we all walk out in an organized fashion. I re-adjust the invisible bag that was on my back to make sure it was secure before continuing out of the elevator.

The elevator opened to a long red and gold hallway with no windows, two large paintings on both walls of two Kung-fu fighters, and two largely decorated doors at the end of it. This must be the King's office. I briefly wonder if Jack could have helped with the construction of this place, but I quickly shake that out of my mind. We reach the end of the hall and to the doors, in which we took notice that one was already cracked open. I could feel the air grow tense as Geoff slowly pushed the door open wider as we all walk in. This was the King's office?

It wasn't how I'd expect it to be. I thought there would be exciting with large paintings and gold banners, but instead the room lacked color and was boring. It had brown walls and the only odd thing in the room was a large painting of a bull with a golden nameplate under it that read 'EDGAR'. There was also glass panels in the middle of the floor; The King is an odd man.

"Wait," Kerry said, breaking formation to walk head of us. I was last to walk into the room, which I shouldn't have done.

The door slammed shut behind me and we all turn to see it close and lock.

"Fuck me, dude," Michael murmurs, "It's a fucking trap!" I see Gavin visibly shake a bit before recovering and walking slowly over to stand near me. Michael, Geoff, and Kerry start discussing how to get out. I hear a small buzzing sound, as did Gavin; We turn to the middle of the room to see the glass panels begin to open to reveal an opening in the floor.

"Guys," I say, "is this something we should worry about?" I ask. They all stop talking and look to the floor, but we all stay put. I hear a sound similar to an elevator rising from the hole.

"Well that's no good...." I hear Geoff mumble. The first things I see are the metal horns rise up from the hole, before seeing the rest of it. Standing on a metal platform in the middle of the room, was a enormous, half-metal, bull, that I could only assume was Edgar. Shit.


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated, but it's summer now so I should be able to update more now! Leave a comment to tell me what I can fix and improve upon! thanks for reading!

**Chapter 22: Broken, Coming soon!**

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