Chapter 5: The Shower Incident

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I wake up early the next morning, around 7:30AM according to the clock next to me. Unable to go back to sleep, I get up quietly and head toward the closet I hadn't seen till this morning. There was towels on the top shelf, along with dress shirts and pants hanging up, as well as a top-hat hanging on a hook. I assumed I wouldn't need those anytime soon. I grab a towel and head to the dresser next, pulling out a few drawers. They had a couple shirts and pants, so I grab a plain gray t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and a pair of boxers that were still in the package. Thank Christ they gave me new boxers. Everything was all my size, so again I assumed Gavin must have prepared this room for me before I said I would stay a while. I take off my gray hoodie, that I had fallen asleep with on last night, and throw it on the bed, along with the clothes I had just pulled out. I head to the bathroom, ready to take a shower. I close the door, hang up my towel on the rack, and remove my clothing. I turn the water on so its just hot enough to sooth my sore muscles, which was enough to quickly cause steam to form on the bathroom mirror. I step into the tub and let the water pour onto me.

It was now that I noticed most of my bruises were now losing there purple hues and turning a greenish color. Caleb must have healing powers or something because I recovered must faster then I should have, considering everything that was wrong with me. Every fracture I had was healed, my jaw and nose were fine, and somehow he fixed my lung and stopped my internal bleeding. Absolutely no way powers weren't involved.

I got out of the shower at 8:15AM. I had taken a much longer shower then I expected, but it was much needed. I wondered what time everyone woke up and got ready, because I know no one was going to get up at the time I did. I dry my hair with my towel before wrapping it around my waist and walking out of the bathroom. The air outside the room felt like a tundra compared to the warmth in the bathroom. I walk over to the bed quickly, trying to get to the warm clothes sitting on top of it. I was just about to drop my towel when someone walks in the room.

"Oi Ray, I heard you rattling around. Figured you must be-" Gavin stops dead in his tracks once he looks up and sees me struggling to use the towel and wrap it around my waist again.

"Christ, Gavin! Ever heard of knocking?!" The now embarrassed Brit turned bright red and quickly began to apologize. "Yeah, okay its fine! Can you just go so I can get dressed?" He complied and swiftly left the room, shutting the door tightly behind him. I shake my head and sigh in relief.

"Breakfast is in the kitchen...." I heard his muffled voice say through the door, "go to the doors of the room where you played X-Box, then turn left and go straight," After it went quiet and I'm sure he had left, I quickly change into my clothes. From then on out I'll put my clothes in the bathroom with me when I shower.

I made my way to the kitchen, which I found much easier then expected. There were large round tables scattered across the large room, almost like a cafeteria but much nicer and more cozy, and with a huge attached kitchen. The smell of bacon and pancakes hit my nose like a ton of bricks, making me hungry. I walk in, looking for everyone I met the day earlier. I found them at the table closest to the kitchen. I walk over, noticing there was an empty seat between Geoff and Jack. I notice two new people sitting with them.

"Mind if I sit?" Geoff shook his head, trying to finish his bite before talking.

"Go for it," a woman sitting next to Geoff answered for him. "I'm Griffon, this moron's wife," she pointed at Geoff and smiled lightly. If I were to picture Geoff as a girl, his wife is how I'd imagine him, but with an added nose-ring and blonde. I grab a plate from the middle and pile it with bacon and three pancakes, drowning the hot cakes with maple syrup, as well as pouring myself a cup of orange juice. I look across the table to see Gavin sitting next to Michael, trying to avoid eye contact with me whenever possible. I didn't find it a big deal that he walked in while I was changing; just a bit embarrassing is all. On the other side of Michael was with a red-head whom I haven't seen before now. She introduced herself as Lindsay Tuggey.

"She helped cook breakfast," Michael explained as he took a large bite of a pancake. He and Lindsay both smiled. I ate half of my breakfast fairly quickly before Geoff started talking to me.

"After breakfast were heading down to the labs to text some stuff, wanna come with?" I nod, finishing chewing my bacon.

"Sure, I'd be cool to see what you all can do," Geoff looked at me with a questioning expression.

"Well, We'd see what you can do, too," Now it was my turn to give a confused look.

"I don't have powers; I can't do anything to test me on," Michael scoffed and put down his drink.

"Yeah right, I saw what you did to that Knights hand. It was freaking cool," He took a drink of his juice and began talking to Lindsay again whilst Gavin was in conversation with Griffon; Geoff and Jack were now talking about how best to contain some experiments. I wanted to question them as to what the hell they were talking about, but I decided it would be rude to interrupt them mid-conversation. I finish my breakfast quietly.


Thank you all for reading, i appreciate it! i hope you're enjoying it so far! leave comments on what i can fix or just to leave a note! update soon!

**Chapter 6: The Labs, coming soon!!**

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