Twisted Love

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Luke's P.O.V

"Luke. Wake up." i heard a faint voice. My eyes slowly opened, and i was freezing. I looked around and we were still in the hospital. I was in a chair, with a sweater on top of me, keeping me warm. "Ashton's awake." said Calum. I rubbed my eyes. "Can we see him?" i asked. "Yeah. Matt is in there right now. We can go in after hes done." said Calum. I looked over and Michael was still sleeping. "What time is it?" i asked. Calum checked his watch. "It's only nine in the morning." said Calum. I sighed. I'm so tired and i barley slept. Probably the fact we're in a hospital chair. 

Calum started shaking Michael, and his eyes slowly opened. I felt my eyes getting heavy again. I slowly closed them, letting sleep come to me again. Then heard a door open. My eyes forced open again and Matt walked out. "You guys can go in now." said Matt. I slowly got out of the chair, and i got an instant headache. I started rubbing my temples as we walked into Ashton's room. The door closed behind us. 

Everyone sat around Ashton's bed, looking at him. "Hello." said Ashton breaking the weird silence. "Hey." we all mumbled. "Luke you look horrible." said Ashton receiving chuckles from everyone else. "Well i have a hangover, and I've been worrying about you. So yeah. I look like shit." i said. Ashton laughed. "How you been holding up?" asked Michael. 

"Well i cant preform for a few months, we're lucky tours already over." said Ashton. "I guess your probably going home to visit your folks?" asked Calum. "Actually my folks are coming here to see me. I have to stay in the hospital for a few more days, possibly another week till i get out." said Ashton. "That sucks." i said. "I really want to go back to my flat when i get out, but i know my mom is gonna try to get me to go home." said Ashton. "Maybe that's the best thing." said Michael. "No way. I'm staying in London! It's amazing here, and besides, we have amazing fans here." said Ashton. "That's true." said Calum. 

Then Matt walked back in. "Okay. We have the final dates when Ashton can leave. You'll be leaving the hospital in three days." said Matt. "Great. Sooner then we thought." said Ashton. "But there's rules. No preforming for a few months, no drinking hard alcohol, no intercourse for a few weeks, and you have to keep taking pills so the wound will get better." said Matt. "Wait. No intercourse?" asked Ashton. Matt sighed. "Let me put it in Ashton talk. No. Sex." said Matt and Ashton's mouth dropped. "Um. Your kidding right?" asked Ashton. Matt shook his head. "Your allowed to have intercourse, in about four weeks." said Matt. Ashton groaned and we all laughed. 


I just got back to my flat because i felt gross. I grabbed some clothes, and walked into my bathroom. I turned the hot water on, letting it soak into my pours. I washed my body, then my hair. After doing that, i just stood there, letting the water soak in. Calum, and Michael whet back to their flat too. We said we'd visit Ashton tomorrow. 

I got out of the shower, after about forty minutes. I put some clean clothes on. A white t-shirt, bracelets, some sweat pants, and a black sweater. I dried my hair with a towel, and combed it out. I didn't bother do anything else with it. 

I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. I grabbed the coffee pot and put it on. I started making a nice cup of coffee to wake me up some more. Because I'm so fucking tired. I know i said that about one million times, but it's the truth. I feel so.. I'm not even gonna say it anymore. 

The coffee was done, and i poured it into a cup. I took a sip of it, as i walked into the living room. I sat down on the couch, and put the TV on. What ever was on, i left it there. I sipped my coffee, and let my thoughts take over. 

That girl i seen at the hospital wasn't there anymore. When we where leaving, the door was opened, but the girl i seen was gone. Maybe she got checked out. But she seemed so.. Dead. Why would she just leave? Unless she was doing a lot better and said she could leave. I didn't bother ask the front desk because the boys was with me. I'll just ask the front desk tomorrow. 

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