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Angela's P.O.V

"HOLY GOD! ANGELA! YOUR DRESS IS HERE!" Samara screamed from down stairs. I was previously on the phone with Luke. Great. Living with your stylist kinda sucks i guess. But some times it's great. "I have to go. I got that stupid premier party for my movie tonight." i said groaning at the end. Luke laughed. "That's how we met. At the premier party." said Luke and i also laughed. 

Back then my life was way more fucked up then it is now. I'm still very shaken up about what happened to me two days ago. But Luke is helping me through it. Even though he's miles away. "Imagine if one of us never went to that party? Our lives would of been so more messed up without each other." i said. I could tell Luke was nodding and he wasn't even in the room. 

"That's true. Man i'm so glad i met you their. I'm so glad i'm marrying you! My life is finally gonna be perfect. Me and you can finally relax, and take a break from all this bullshit around us." said Luke. That stupid smile on my face started spreading. I cant wait to spend an eternity with Luke. It's very exciting to think about. 

"ANGELA. GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE! YOU NEED TO GET READY!" screamed Samara. I almost forgot about that. "I better go, Luke." i said sighing at the end. Luke yawned. "I better get going to. Make sure you don't end up in a supplies closet with Zac!" Luke said. I started laughing remembering the last premier party, and how it all turned out. "Don't worry. I'm only gonna be in a supplies closet with you. And that's a promise." i said as the giggles escaped my mouth again.

"Love you." Luke cooed. I smiled bigger. "Love you too, Lukey!" i said before the line went dead. I held my phone to my heart, as his voice echoed in my head. 

Love you. 

Love you.

Love you.


"You. Look. Perfect." said Samara as she admire my beautiful dress. It fitted me perfectly. It was actually quite nice. I like this one way better then the other one i had to wear. My hair was perfectly straightened. Samara wanted to do something different with my hair instead of curling it all the time. My makeup made me look a lot older then i am. It usually always does. She added some more bright red lipstick to my lips. I was a more lip gloss sorta girl. Not lipstick. I guess it doesn't really matter though.

"Your such a good stylist." i said also admiring her amazing work. "You should send a snap-chat to Luke." Samara suggested. I nodded agreeing. I pulled out my cell phone from my wallet, then posed. I looked at the photo and nodded. 


I sent it to Luke, then shoved my phone back in my wallet. Hes probably not gonna be getting it till later tonight because hes on stage at the moment. "Honey. I cant get over how gorgeous you look. I think i might cry!" said Samara, as she pretended to wipe a fake tear from under her eye. 

"Oh fuck off!" i said and playfully smacked her arm. She just giggled. "Well the taxi is here. You better get going." said Samara as she motioned to the taxi that was waiting outside for me. "Thank you. See you later." i said and gave her a quick hug. "See ya." she said before i walked outside. 

I hopped into the taxi, then told him the name of my studio. I watched as we passed by all the homes, and pretty places. I have this worried feeling in the pit of my stomach. It's telling me not to go here tonight. But i kinda have to. Peter would seriously kill me if i didn't show up. And it would be a great story for the press. 

'Miss Smith not showing up at her own premier party'.

I could see that on the cover of a magazine right now. I started to shake my head thinking about it all. Tonight's gonna get messed up. Logan is gonna ruin the hole thing. This should be so much fun! Not.

Ripped Open (Luke Hemmings)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora