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Three Days In Till Tour 

Luke's P.O.V

Three days till tour. Three god damn days. The only good thing about leaving is seeing my beloved Angela before i leave. I know it's only gonna make me miss her more, but i need to have her lips on mine one last time before i leave. I think this kiss that i'm waiting for is gonna be amazing. I never had a girls lips on mine sense Angela's. Angela probably only had her lips on that one guy before. She would never do it more then once. She already told me everything anyways. She was drunk and lonely. So i suppose it's not a big deal. 

You coming to dinner tn with the boys? -Luke

Few minutes had passed and Michael text me back. 

Ya, i'll come -Michael

Sweet. see ya then -Luke

I put my phone down and looked around my apartment. I'm gonna miss this apartment so much. I cant wait till tour is over so i can have this beauty back. And also i'll have my amazing girlfriend back. I don't know if she is my girlfriend yet. Because i made it clear i didn't want to start something before tour. We're gonna have to wait till four months is up to start our relationship. But i'm not gonna be sleeping around or anything. I'm waiting for my lover, and that's Angela. 

It might seem a bit cliche though. And i really don't care. I just cant seem to get that photo graph out of my head. I know i already cleared everything up with her, but something seems wrong. Like shes lying about something. Nah! Angela wouldn't lie. She loves me, and i love her. That's final. I was so bored out of my mind when there was a knock on my door. I got up and answered it. I was surprised to see who was in front of me. What is she doing here?

"Carmen? What the fuck?" i asked and she smiled at me. "Can i come in?" she asked and my eyes widened. She wants to come in? Jesus! I moved out of her way, and let her enter my flat. She looked around for a few seconds before turning around. "Why are you here?" i asked and closed the door. She crossed her arms. "I've been thinking about a lot of things lately. About me and you." said Carmen and i shook my head. "Nope! Me and you broke up a few months ago. I'm not going back down that lying train again." i said making it absolutely clear i want nothing to do with her ever again. She sighed her chest puffing up, then going back to her normal pace of breathing. "I just got back from Paris." she said and started walking around my flat. Is she high?

"And i'm leaving for tour in three days." i said and her eyes met mine again. "Wow. It's time for tour again? Why so soon?" asked Carmen and i shrugged my shoulders. "I know you slept with my best friend, and hes the one who got you pregnant." i said dodging her last question. She rolled her eyes. "That son of a bitch told you, didn't he?" asked Carmen. My eyes widened at her sudden out burst. Why did i even date her? She lies about everything! 

"Hes not a son of a bitch! You took advantage of him." i said and she shook her head. "Oh he liked it." said Carmen and she plopped down on the couch. "Don't get comfy so soon. I'm leaving for dinner." i said and she rolled her eyes for the millionth time. I didn't sit by her, all i did was look at her. 

Her eyes met mine once again. "So, Luke? How have you been?" asked Carmen. "Fine." i mumbled and she shook her head. "I don't believe that. A little white bird told me you've been going threw hell." said Carmen. I bet her little manager told her that. That slimy fucker. "And who's the little white bird?" i asked and Carmen smirked. "That's someone you will never find out." said Carmen. Shes playing her little games again. Something i never liked in the first place. I sighed. My phone beeped that was in my hand and i looked at it. 


I looked at Carmen again as she picked at her pencil skirt that she was wearing. Her lips was in a line and she looked rather sad. "So how have you been?" i asked trying to sound nice. She looked up at me and smiled. "Uh, could be better." said Carmen. Now i'm gonna have to ask why! This is too hard to keep talking to her. It's actually really annoying. "Why?" i asked trying to sound rather interested. It wasn't working though. 

Ripped Open (Luke Hemmings)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora