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Angela's P.O.V

Twenty. I'm twenty fucking years old today. I feel like my hole life is slipping away from me. This cant be happening. "I'm old." i said as my heart broke just thinking about it all. Samara laughed. 

"Honey we're still young." said Samara. I took in a huge ball of air, before letting it exhale. "I feel old." i said truthfully. Samara was still laughing. "Then go out and have fun. Today is your twentieth birthday. How about we go to the mall and pick up something sexy? Then go out for a bite to eat. After words we can come back here and get ready, then go partying." said Samara. Damn that girl loves to party. I was never the one to party a lot till i met Samara. All we do is party, party, party. 

"I was actually gonna stay in bed all day, reading some hate comments, while skyping my amazing boy friend." i said. I didn't feel like getting drunk tonight. I'm still grieving about last night... Ugh. I don't have the courage to tell nobody. I kicked him out after it happened. Why am i such a jerk? I cheated... And for real this time. When i was sleeping with Michael it didn't count because me and Luke weren't together. But now i slept with Zac and i'm getting married in four fucking months! I'M A SLAG!

Samara shook her head. "Your not staying inside. You can get your dirty on when we come home. Then you can have sex over skype." said Samara. My mouth dropped. Is she legit right now? "I'm not having sex over skype!" i protested. Samara shrugged. "You have no idea what your missing then." said Samara as she sipped her pop.

I rolled my eyes, before thinking again. Why did i have to sleep with him? I'm probably not the best person to marry. But once that day comes i'm never sleeping with another man. Only Luke. "Come on. Lets go shopping." said Samara as she hopped up from the couch. 

I groaned. "But i don't wanna!" i whined. 


I ended up shopping for two hours. Not that long. I bought a dress, heels, some more makeup because i needed some more, bought some earrings, a new necklace, and a pare of flats. Not that much. 

Samara bought way more things then i did. We only ended up going to three stores. Because i was hungry and wanted to eat. We decided to eat at Cesar's Restaurant. 

"So how was last night? Sorry for not getting home till four in the morning by the way." said Samara. I sipped the water in front of me. I need to think of something, quick. Your totally fucked, slag. My subconscious mind yells. Shut up.

"I didn't do much. Talked to Luke basically the hole time, while watching some chick flicks." i said. The chick flick part was true from that. Nothing else though. And well i did talk to Luke, but not while having sex. 

Samara's eyes widened. "You fucked him didn't you?!?" Samara yelled and she received some death glares. When they turned around she flipped them off. "Shut up! And no i didn't sleep with anyone." i hiss. I hate how Samara knows me so well just by reading my face. 

"You totally fucked Zac. So how was he? I always wondered what Zac could do." said Samara and she started thinking about fucking Zac now. Talk about slag. 

I shook my head. "For the millionth time, i didn't sleep with him. I wouldn't cheat on Luke." i lied. You could totally hear the fake in my voice. You don't deserve an amazing boyfriend like Luke. My subconscious mind pouts at me. Go away would you?

"Yes you did. But seriously you can tell me, i'm not gonna rat you out to Luke." said Samara. I knew i could trust her, i was just ashamed of myself. "Fine i did, but it wasn't like anything Luke could do. Luke fucking... Woah. But Zac does it quick, and it's sloppy." i said truthfully. Samara made a gagging noise. "I'm never getting in Zac's pants. But maybe i'll try Luke." said Samara, and my mouth dropped. 

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