Sad Endings

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I wonder why I wait for you when it's all just a feeling? Why don't I stop dreaming, for it's just a feeling and nothing more. Your not her, and you never will be. But then why do I wait for you? Because we're complete. 

I look at myself in the mirror as I wore a nice black suit. I straighten up my tie, and take a deep breath. Angela's birthday is today... And it's time for me to visit her at her grave. I look over and see the the flowers I got for her is laying on my bed.

I'm still living with my parents. I have nothing going for me. People doesn't even look at me anymore when I walk along the streets... My parents decided to move to London once I got out of jail. We've been here for awhile now... It's been four years.

Then there was a knock on my door. "Honey? Somone's here for you." my mom chirped before opening the door. My heart fluttered. Someone's here? To see me? This is new...

As I walk out of my room I bring the flowers with me. I walked into my kitchen and seen her... The lovely Alex, wearing a beautiful black long dress. It went down, touching the floor. I wonder what she's wearing on her feet.

"Alex? I thought you couldn't make it?" I asked, the excitement filled my every word. Alex smiled, "Luke I couldn't live with myself if I didn't go with you today." said Alex, before hooking her arm in mine.

"Well let's go kids. It's almost time." my mother reminds us.


Me, my father, mother, and Alex joined me today. Your probably wondering where's the boys? Oh, them... Never heard from them in four years. Crazy right?

I looked down at her grave as I felt the tears already brimming in the corner of my eyes. I placed the fresh flowers down on her grave. I felt a little wet path trace down the side of my face. It was a tear.

"Happy twenty third Birthday, Angela. I miss you so much, you know that right? I think about you all the time. I've been coming here a lot lately. It's mainly because it still feels like your with me, I guess." I said before sniffing.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I looked up to see Alex. She wasn't crying, but she understood my pain. She understood how much I loved her... How much I love her.

"Want us to give you guys a moment?" my mom asked me. I gave her a small nod before her and dad walked back to the car. My gaze went back to the grave.

"Luke, I know your sad, but you need to move on in your life. You've been out for, four years now. I only been out for three and I have a job, and an apartment. I think it's time for you to pick yourself back up. And if you need a shoulder I'm here." said Alex.

I knew she was completely right. But she's not my girlfriend. She cant tell me what I have to do. "Alex, I'm depressed. I've been on antidepressants sense I got out. I'm not ready to go out and do things in the world. I rather live with my parents." I said, before wiping my tears away.

My gaze removed from Angela's grave and landed on Alex's eyes. "But I really want to start my life with you. Luke, I'm in love with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.' said Alex, before turning her frown into a smile.

"Are you sure you want to spend the rest of your life, with me?" I asked feeling a bit confused. Alex nodded. She wasn't one for cheesy romance, but I did like her a lot. I guess you could say we had a thing going on.

Alex nodded before connecting her fingers in mine. "I always wanted it to be you. For years now, I only imagined growing old, with you." said Alex. I started tracing little shapes on the back of her hand. I smiled.

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