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Luke's P.O.V

"I cant believe you.. Y-you.. Y-you.. L-lost the baby." i cried out. I didn't know what to feel at this point. She lied to me... All this time she was using me. She probably never even liked me in the first place. This was all just an act. Carmen let some more tears slid down her cheeks. "I didn't know how t-to tell y-you... I was t-too heart broken.." cried Carmen. I shook my head as all the anger, betrayal, and sadness pumped through my body all at once. "I let you s-stay in my house... I l-lost my friends because o-of you... I lost A-Angela." i cried thinking about her. I cant believe i threw everything away for Carmen. A girl who doesn't even care. 

"Angela? W-who the fuck is t-that?" asked Carmen. My eyes met Carmen's again. "Someone i n-need to tell my true feelings t-to." i said. "So y-you where using me?" asked Carmen. I shook my head. "N-no. I was h-happy with you... B-but you ruined that." i cried. Carmen ran a hand threw her hair. "So this is it? We're o-over? For g-good?" asked Carmen. "Yes." i whispered. I was done. Done with this mental bitch. She has no idea what she was doing. I cant believe i let her in my home... Or even had sex with her. 

She picked up her bag and looked at my one last time. She tried hugging me but i backed away. "Don't..." i said. Carmen's body fell a little bit before she walked out of my bedroom. I heard the front door slam. I'm done with her... I'll never let her back in my life ever, and i mean ever, again. 

Angela's P.O.V

I just got back from shopping. I got so much new clothes. I think i'm in love. I walked upstairs with all the bags of clothes i had. Once i got into my room i dropped the bags on the floor. I slipped off my flats and started taking everything out, then hanging it up. 

I looked at all the nice clothes i bought. I think i want more... No Angela. I just spent a shit load of money on clothes. This cant be my new hobby... I don't want to become one of thoughts girly girls. I shivered just thinking about it. But today was fun. I didn't run into the press, so that's more exciting for me. 

I finished up with my clothes, and plopped down on my bed. I definitely shopped till i dropped. I'm tired, and sore. Then my cell phone started ringing. I grabbed it from inside my purse, then answered it. 

"Hello." i said. "You need to start getting back into the working business. This movie were working on needs some more work. Come in tomorrow around ten. Don't be late." said Peter. I mentally groaned inside my head. "Alright. I wont be late." i said then the line went dead. Great, work. I'm having fun for once and it's know ruined. That's fucking fantastic. 

I checked the time. It was eight o-clock. I decided to have a shower, and get comfy for the night. I walked into my bathroom and started taking off my clothes. I turned the water on letting it heat up. I stepped in once it was hot enough, and i started rinsing my body. I grabbed my strawberry shampoo and started working it into my hair. Next i used my matching conditioner. It makes my hair so soft. It smells really good to. Next i washed my body with some caramel scent body wash. After that i grabbed my razor and started shaving my legs. Just so i'd be ready for tomorrow. After i finished with that i rinsed my body one last time. I turned the water off and hopped out. 

I dried my body and wrapped myself in a towel. I walked out of my bathroom and into my bedroom. I dropped my towel and grabbed some under garments. I put on a sports bra because i wanted to get comfy. Then i slipped on some pink under wear. I slipped on my silky pink pajama pants, then a long sleeve crop top. I brushed out my hair, then putted it in a braid. I washed off any remanding makeup i had on. I switched my belly button ring because i bought some new ones. It was an anchor one.

I collapsed on my bed and started scrolling through Twitter like always. I seen a new post from Carmen. Ewe why did i even follow her? I read her Tweet. 

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