Make Me Forget

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Luke's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning, and looked around. Angela wasn't in here anymore. I felt sad that she wasn't here anymore. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the night stand beside my bed. There was a peace of paper laying there. I took it off and opened it up. I read this.

Morning, Luke. Sorry i couldn't stay longer.. I don't want anyone finding us.. Bye. -Angela

I sighed and ran a hand threw my messy hair. I really wanted to wake up next to her small frame. I wanted to kiss her beautiful face over, and over again. I wanted to hold her hand, and tell her how much she means to me. I know i've only known her for a few weeks, but i don't ever regret seeing her in the hospital bed. I think i'm falling for her. And I'm falling hard. 

I watched as five people walked into my room. I crumpled up the note and threw it in the trash beside my bed before anyone sees it. "Good your awake." said Matt. The boys sat down in the chairs, and Matt stood over me, looking down. "You need to sign a few things, then you can leave. You know you cant talk, or see Angela, right?" asked Matt. I nodded. "Yes. You told me one million times." i said exaggerating. Matt sighed. "I know this is killing you, but it's for the best. You and Ashton was already in the hospital. I don't need anyone else in the hospital." said Matt. "Angela was gonna get killed. I was protecting her." i said. "And you shouldn't of came. The police is handling it." said Matt. "I rather be in here, then knowing i couldn't of saved Angela." i spitted out like venom on my tongue. Matt sighed as he looked beat. Probably the fact he had to deal with two band members getting in a load of shit. "Just get changed." said Matt then he left. 


I got out of the elevator and the boys followed me to my flat. I unlocked my door and we walked into my flat. "I'm fine. You guys can go to your flats." i said. "But it's boring there alone." said Calum and they shut the door. Matt went back to working around for concert dates. 

"I'm taking a shower, the door is right there when you want to leave." i said harshly. "Someones cranky." said Michael then they all sat down on the couches. I rolled my eyes before walking into the bathroom, and started up the hot shower. I took my clothes off, and stepped in. I washed my hair, then my body. I looked down at the stitches. It was hideous. That scar is gonna be there for the rest of my life. Reminding me that i almost died trying to save the love of my life.. Did i just say the love of my life? Well i don't know for sure if shes the one, but i have very strong feelings for her. I want to show it to her somehow. But the boys wont leave me alone! I just need some time to think, alone. 

I got out of the shower, and dried my body. I was in there for a hour just trying to waste time basically. And the hot water on my sore body felt nice. I put some clean clothes on. I was wearing a button up white shirt, and some ripped baggy jeans. I also put on some white Nike shoes. 

I walked out of the bathroom and the boys wasn't here. I guess they took a hint and left. I walked into my bedroom and looked through my bag for my cell phone. I found it and i had a lot of Twitter notifications. I looked at Twitter for a little bit. 

I had a lot of fans saying 'get well soon' and more nice things. I smiled at half of them before sending a tweet. 


Thank you everyone for the 'get well soon' things.. Means a lot. xx:)

I plopped down on my bed, and started looking through my phone contacts. I seen Angela's number. I so wanted to call her.. But shes off limits. I don't want to ruin both of our coreer's. Maybe i need to keep my distance, and stay away.. But that's impossible. I love her. 

My finger hovered over her number. Should i press call? Or should i leave her alone?

Angela's P.O.V

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