2 | tbt

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when the nurses finally got me to leave, i stomped into the gym and opened my locker to grab my muscle tank.

after i slid it on i walked into my 4th period class and everyone's eyes were drawn to me.

"mr bieber." mrs. rogers put her hands on her hips. "care to explain why you missed the first half of the day?"

i swear mrs rogers hates my guts...and i'm not sure why, it's just always been like that.

i licked my lips and felt a smirk rise from my lips as i handed her the slip.

"here's a lil somethin." i winked as i walked back to my seat.

i heard her scoff but i just laughed to myself.


the entire day just consisted of everyone coming to me and saying 'oh my god are you okay?' or 'did you break your leg?'

yeah i broke my leg which is why i'm walking around perfectly with just a bandage wrapped around it. makes perfect sense.

"jenner!" i heard justin's voice come jogging next to me.

"bieber!" i mimicked him.

"how's your leg? did it look bad after they forced me to leave?" justin took a chug of his gatorade, his adam's apple moving up then down.

"it started bleeding less...but it still kinda hurts i guess." i sighed and twisted my lips.

"i'm glad you and that travis dude are done." he sighed. "he's messed up."

"yeah...i felt like i really liked him too which sucks." i glanced down in disappointment.

i felt justin's eyes on me but i just ignored it and kept walking.

"sorry bout that." justin patted my back softly.

"it's fine, no biggie." i shrugged, but i didn't meant that.

i know we've only been dating for a couple months...but i really felt that connection with him. it's like whenever i was with him, i just couldn't not smile. you know? he made me genuinely happy...but it hurts knowing he didn't feel the same way.

"we should hang out soon." justin changed the subject. "i really miss you." he wrapped his arm around me.

"me too." i smiled and looked up at him. "it's been way too long."

"i know i know." justin sighed. "well it's thursday so maybe we can hang tomorrow after school?"

"sounds good. i'll text you." we stood across from each other, as his stare softened once he watched me smile.

"alright my ride's here. love ya kid." he mumbled and opened his arms for a hug.

"love ya too." i hugged him back as he placed a kiss on my head.

once we parted our ways i instantly spotted jordyn's car around the corner.

i quickly ran in and closed the door behind me.

"woah slow down there, you were literally just bleeding out a couple hours ago." stassie turned around to face me.

"i'm fine." i mumbled as i flipped out my phone.

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