28 | recreation

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a yawn escaped my lips as i fought my way to keep my eyes open, even though history was just so fucking boring and pointless.

i slipped out my phone carefully, making sure the teacher didn't see as i sent a text to stassie, apologizing that i wasn't gonna be here for lunch and that she is stuck with kelsey.

before i knew it, the bell rang making my eyes widen excitedly as i quickly made me way out of room.

just one more period then you'll see justin, you can do this.

"hey girl!" i heard a familiar voice as i spun around quickly, stassie's blonde hair bouncing as she pranced towards me. "i saw your text, where you going?"

i wiggled my eyebrows excitedly as i watched her expression start to understand.

"justin's picking me up for lunch." i groaned remembering. "but it's a surpriseee."

"probably driving u crazy hm?" stassie chuckled, knowing me better than anyone else.

before i managed to say anything else, i heard a scoff come from behind us, making me freeze instantly.

"may we help you?" stassie raised a brow, making me instantly spin around.

jordyn's arms were crossed as her eyes were narrowed towards me, like she had just seen someone vomit.

"so your friends with her?" jordyn moved her eyes back to stassie as she pointed towards me like i was some object.

"um, yeah she is." i pressed her finger down, getting sick of her pettiness. "this isn't middle school sweetie, if you have something to say, just say it to my face."

"wasn't talk to you kylie." she sighed and brushed off her hands. "there you go again with making everything about you."

my jaw practically hit the ground the second those words left her lips.

"what the hell did i do to you?" i crossed my arms and tilted my head. "please remind me of the awful thing i did to you that made you 10 times more the bitch."

before i managed to say anything else, her hand came in contact with my cheek, the blood rushing towards my cheek as i hissed quietly.

i held onto my cheek painfully, adrenaline filling my veins as i tried my best not to be tempted to hit her back.

you're the bigger person kylie, she's just a scrawny bitch who's trying to get on your last nerves.

"mhm." i instantly flashed a smirk. "i see your abusive boyfriend is finally rubbing off on you!"

i smiled sarcastically making her roll eyes for the millionth time, another quiet "ooo" heard from stassie making me smile with victory.

"whatever, you're just jealous that i managed to last with travis and you didn't."

that's when i instantly let out a huge laugh, actually finding this quite amusing.

"oh i'm jealous? trust me sweetie i'm so glad i didn't last with him, he's an idiot and it's extremely sad how you don't see it. i have a kind and respectful boyfriend of my own, so jealous my fucking ass."

that's when i turned on the heel of my vans, walking away satisfied with stassie right beside me.

"i can't believe you just did that." stassie giggled as she hooked my arm in hers. "that was truly the most iconic thing i've seen."

"i know." i chuckled quietly as we made our way to spanish.

spanish surprisingly went by fast today, since we don't do shit and the majority of class time we're just on our phones.

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