17 | reunited

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nothing, absolutely nothing. no phone call, no information. it's been three weeks, and i think they just gave up. wow thanks police.

i sat by my bed as i stared at my phone studiously. what if they never call? i wouldn't be able to live with myself if that man was still walking around these streets, abusing other girls.

"okay so." justin came barging into my room. "i don't think we can have a netflix marathon because you have no fucking food!"

"sorry." i giggled as my mood instantly changed.

"your apology is not accepted, we're going to safeway right now." he sighed as he grabbed my hand. "this has to be perfect."

i couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach, all these little things he said just made me so happy and queasy.

as we drove to safeway, we both jammed to justin's favorite song. no type by rae sremmuard.

"bad bitches is the only thing that i like!" he sang as i slapped his arm playfully.

"it's just a song baby chill." he spoke in a dorky voice making me laugh even harder.

once we found a parking spot directly in front of safeway, i hopped out happily as i made my way into the building.

"wow you're so happy when it comes to food." justin chuckled behind me. "it's ridiculous."

"shut up." i flicked his cheek making him laugh as well.

"okay so this is how it's gonna go down." justin rubbed his hands together as we walked towards the automatic doors. "i'll be in charge of candy duty and you're in charge of chips duty, okay?"

"duty." i giggled under my breath and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"okay but the thing is." he continued. "whoever gets the most stuff wins."

"oh my god justin." i placed my hand over my mouth. "i don't have any fucking money—"

"um who said you're paying?" he furrowed his eyebrows and scrunched his nose up cutely.

"aw." i giggled as i leaned in and give him a soft kiss on the lips.

"okay." he mumbled against my lips as he pulled away. "ready, set."

both me and justin got into running position, his eyebrows wiggling in excitement.

"go!" he shouted as we both began sprinting towards the aisles.

i ran down the aisle with all the chips and grabbed 3 different flavored bags of lays. i also grabbed a bag of hot cheetos along with a bag of funyuns.

before i turned around, i heard a voice. a voice i had once heard, a voice that was too familiar to me.

"we meet again, hm?" he rasped, making my stomach twist in realization. there's no way.

i slowly turned my head, and it hit me. that's him, that's the face. i instantly dropped all my chips to the ground, my whole body paralyzed in fear.

call out for justin, or just any help. i thought to myself, but i was too mortified to move.

his hands trailed up my arms, making me shiver in fear.

i whimpered as he moved his right hand to my face, and the other moving back down to my lower body.

once i felt his hand grip onto my ass, i squirmed in pain as i felt my eyes begin to blur.
i was breathing so heavily that i thought i was about to pass out.

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