5 | farewell

113 5 1


rape. an unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will usually of a female or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent.

it was finally morning, around 6 im guessing because the sun was slowly rising up.

i licked my dry lips as my eye twitched, from the lack of sleep and weakness that filled up my body.

it's like i couldn't move a limb, everything was in so much pain.

i was alone—naked with an older man who had just, abused me. like i some type of doll.

my eyes slowly drifted off and glanced around my surroundings, the sight of the unfamiliar room sending chills down my back from the memories that occurred last night.

i could tell that the alcohol wore off a bit, because i was able to stand up a bit easier—but that didn't make walking much fun either.

i hissed as my thigh burned with pain, holding onto the nearby dresser as i quickly tried to grab my shoes and dress from the ground.

a tear rolled down my cheek as i silently slid on my dress and grabbed my shoes. i tiptoed out of the room and walked downstairs, the whole house looking like a massacre.

it was dead silent and everyone went home—well except for a couple people passed out on the ground. but no one even checked to see where i was or if i was okay.

my hands were shaking the entire time as i slowly grabbed my purse from the couch, a little surprised that it was still there.

i checked and saw my phone was still in the outer pocket as i slowly pulled it out and turned it on.

jordyn: hey where are you?
jordyn: ky?
jordyn: ahh i see you ditched us to have a little fun yourself ;)
jordyn: me n stassie r heading out. text me if you need a ride in the morning.
jordyn: love u and make sure to use protection u hoe lmao
mom: are u having fun? :)

i felt my eyes water even more as i slid my phone back into my bag, avoiding everyone's messages as i let out a deep breath.

i dragged my worn out legs towards the front door and bit my lip from crying out with pain.

my lip quivered as i opened the door and shut it behind me it quietly.

i couldn't go home like this, my mom would be worried sick—and i couldn't tell her what happened. not now.

i checked my phone and i was only at 4%. shit.

i began walking towards my house, except i stopped at the nearby park justin and i used to go to all the time as kids.

oh god.


i sighed and sat on the grass as i quietly cried to myself. i couldn't believe i let that happen.

why me?

why now?

just, why?

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