25 | truth

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"kylie?? open the door! are you in there?" i heard my mom raise her voice from outside my door.

my eyes peeled open, getting startled by the slamming fists at my door.

"kylie!" she hissed making me jump.

"shit shit." i cursed under my breath. "sorry mom i fell asleep! coming!"

i turned, watching justin's peaceful expression as i sighed and quickly shook him.

"justin." i whispered, making him groan.

"hm?" his eyes remained closed as he licked his lips.

"can you please hide in my bathroom?" i quickly stumbled. "like now."

"kylie open the door!" my mom shouted making me curse quietly.

"justin!" i hissed. " get up!"

i shoved him off the bed, making him groan as he quickly grabbed his clothes and crawled towards the bathroom.

i slid on my pjs quickly as i ran towards the door, unlocking it and yanking it open.

"sorry." i yawned as i stretched my arms out.

"what took you so long?" she crossed her arms and raised a brow. "and why are you in your pjs?"

"yeah after school i didn't feel so good, so i came home and decided to take a nap so i could be able to do my homework without feeling all sick." i nodded tiredly as i placed my hand over my head.

"oh no." she sighed as she felt my head. "do you want some tea? medicine? do you have a fever—"

"no i'm fine, it was just a regular headache that's all. i feel better now.

"oh goody, alright let me know when you get hungry." she kissed my head before making her way out.

i shut the door and leaned against it carefully, taking a deep breath before i heard footsteps from the bathroom.

justin walked out slowly, fully clothed as he began stretching one arm out as he used his other hand to rub his eye gently. he looked like a little puppy.

"hi." i giggled quietly as i walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "you're so cute when you're sleepy."

he yawned quietly, putting his arms down and sighing loudly.

"cute my ass." he groggily answered. "i'm sexy."

i laughed and leaned in slowly, placing a soft kiss on his nose before pulling away.

"you're both cute and sexy, and i don't even know how you do it." i giggled as i walked towards my mirror, pulling my hair into a messy bun.

"right back attacha, baby." he smirked as he ran his fingers through his hair. "how are you feeling? are you sore at all?"

"i'm good actually, a little sore but not too bad." i spun around and placed my hands behind my back. "thank you justin, it was amazing."

"no problem, baby." he licked his lips and walked towards me. "i would do anything to please you."

i giggled softly as he leaned down and captured my lips, moaning quietly before he pulled away and licked his lips, savoring the taste.

"i know this is gonna suck but, i gotta get home. the school probably called home about the suspension and my mom is probably fuming."

"ugh, right." i mumbled. "good luck, text me later tonight."

"alright, see you soon beautiful." he placed one last kiss on my forehead before walking towards the window and opening it fast.

i watched him slide out smoothly, eventually reaching the ground as i watched him walk off slowly.

before i shut the window i watched justin turn around and hold up a heart with his hands making me laugh loudly. what a dork.


i grabbed the key underneath the mat, and prayed to the lords as i quickly i unlocked the door.

i shut the door as quietly as i could but before i turned around i heard someone clear their throat loudly, making me curse mentally.

i slowly turned around, my mom standing there with her arms crossed.

i sighed and dropped my backpack next to me, making my way towards her slowly.

"hey mom..." i spoke slowly, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly while i licked my lips.

"where were you? and why did i get a call from the school saying you got a two day suspension?" she hissed making me sigh quietly. "what is going on with you justin? what is this? your third suspension? if you don't pull it together—"

"relax mom." i chimed in, making her narrow her eyes at me. "let me explain."

"i'm listening, this better be worth it young man." she clenched her jaw.

"i was protecting kylie mom–" i felt my jaw clench as i felt my hand ball into a fist. "her idiotic ex boyfriend laid hands on her, and i knew that was not okay at all." i continued, watching her face grow with sympathy. "i stood in front of her to make sure he didn't hurt her again, and he just kept insulting her—right in front of my face."

i felt the blood boil in my body as i remembered kylie's trembling body hold onto me from behind.

"right before he was gonna hit me, i managed to swing at him first, and that's when we had a fist fight."

pattie sighed softly as she rubbed her head in circles, contemplating on what to say.

"oh justin..." she took a deep breath. "i appreciate you looking out for kylie like that, but you need to be more cautious on campus. beating someone up doesn't solve the problems."

i licked my lips as i ran my fingers through my hair, tugging at the ends roughly.

"he deserved it mom." i sighed softly. "i couldn't let him hurt her again."

pattie curved her lips and let out a deep breath, her arms reaching out and pulling me into a tight embrace.

"you're a great kid, justin." pattie stroked my head gently. "i can't wait to see which lucky girl gets you."

i smiled slightly as i rubbed her back gently.

"yeah." my mind instantly brought up kylie as i smiled even more. "i know."

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