t h e s t a r t

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sup 'beauts.

welcome to the shit show that is my writting season two.

some remarks as to why altercation of modification ended.

well it was for one main reason actually;

1. when i started writting the book a lil over three months ago i as a person was in a very diffrent mind set. a not so healthy mind set, and since june i've changed as a person and as a writter/poet/shit talker and with that an idea formed ((thanks to the help of perfectstars love you boo <3))

we both thought it would be a cool idea if i were to post a new poetry book for each year of high school. to help repersent my personal growth as a person but also to see how my opinions and views changed.

altercation of modification repersents my later year of grade nine  since most of that poetry was written from april unwards.

then altercation of self-actualization will repersent my grade ten year.

so yea,

but as before

trigger warnings

mention/action/thoughts of eating disorders

suicidal thoughts/actions

substance use/abuse

hopfully you'll enjoy reading this as much as i do writting it.



altercation of self-actualization《poetryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora