f u n e r a l f o r t h e p e r s o n i u s e t o b e

32 3 0

may i say

farwell to a


i only knew sorta well.

say good bye

too the person who

once walked these

halls that posses this home,

this body that they have

now out grown.

this body that they

had once called home.

now just remembered

by snapshots and home videos.

say goodbye

too every

comment my mom

made about my body

to my face

and to the sales

associate about

my clothing taste.

whispering out the words

"its just a phase."

say goodbye to every

time i've almost cried

in changerooms from

my mothers whispered words

bleeding through

the cracks of the doors.

say goodbye too

all the times

i've thrown up

in my families home

trying to lose weight

so that my frame

will lose its curves.

how it will be so much easier

to hide under an

xl sweatshirt stolen

from a body

bulit three sizes

bigger then mine.

yet i still feel like

i take up all the living space

in my parents home.

in more ways then just

my weight.

say goodbye

too holding my tongue

when my father

spits out words

on how some people are

worth less then others

simply just by exisiting

in a skin they scream

they don't belong too.

he screms that they do

but how would he know?

how would he know

the pain some go through

simply by just existing

in a body they don't

even live in

say goodbye

too holding

every thought

from my brain in

'cause all i feel now

is sickeness

and i am looking for

a cure for this illness

that is called

wanting nothing

more then forgiveness

for these sins my family

screams i have commited.

but the only sin i've commited

in the eyes of grandparents

is not being fully honest

for lying for all these years.

say goodbye

too all my poems

that i wrote

using she and her pronouns.

cause i used drugs

to fix my problems instead

of an councilor

hoping that a new wallpaper

would fix the bomb that

had gone off in my head

when i was thirteen years old.

which was the first time

i discovered i didnt

have to stay here

in this body that i had


say farwell to a


i only knew sorta well.

say farwell to this

reflection i didn't belong too.

too this refelction

that i have never belonged too.

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