l a c k o f d r e a m s t a t e

36 4 0

i now take nightime

benadryl to help me

sleep my mind is in

over load.

pumping out

what feels like

a thousand thoughts

per second.

this is a mess

i try to explain to my mom

she does not understand.

she can not see inside

my mind.

she only hears

the insensitive tapping

of my finget tips

on the tabel top

my foot making a beat

on the tiles of the kitchen floor.

she can not see

the ever so fluttering mess

that is my brain.

i take handfuls

of nightime benadryl

to lure my brain to sleep.

everynight peeling away

the backings on the packaging.

this has become the only

way i can make it quiet

by drugging myself

to the sweet lullabie of

one day prescription addiction.

i really just can't close my eyes

and go to bed anymore.

i really fucking wish i could.

my thoughts in my mind

just can't stop ticking anymore.

why can't i just sleep anymore.

10:45 pm

altercation of self-actualization《poetryWhere stories live. Discover now