s h e l o v e s m e s h e l o v e s m e n o t

24 4 0

no power like

fear within love.

11:37 pm

ur boy wants to physically yeet themselves into a diffrent realm rn hardcore.

litterally feel dead, tried doing stuff and going out to feel less dead and now feel more dead.

i hate the meds i am on rn because they just take the littlest edge off of my adhd but yet dont do much more then make my anxiety 100000000 times worse then it already is.

and not to mention nauseous.

and now watch as i dont sleep tonight and then watch me have a giant mental breakdown at my track meet tomorrow.

also panic attacks? really who invited them to the party??? weren't they so eighth grade why did they move back here???

don't even know if i will update this again for a long time to be complete honest..

just not in the right state of mind rn to do anything anymore.

hope y'all stay safe.

until the next one.



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